From Start to Finish

Aug 10, 2012 17:44

Title: From Start to Finish

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 917

Rating/Warnings: PG

Summary: Done for the usxuk ' Summer Olympics'. Alfred gets his game, now Arthur gets his chance. Sequel to 'Batting For the Other Team'.

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from start to finish, england, america, poland, lithuania, usxuk summer olympics, america/england, special relationship, au

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Comments 2

westcaterwaul August 11 2012, 00:56:51 UTC
I just read both stories and I gotta say, they are both super cute!

I just love the way you describe their relationship.


redblonde7 August 12 2012, 18:08:22 UTC
I'm really glad you enjoyed them! It's fun to write some fluffy relationship pieces sometimes.

Thanks for your comment!


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