Across the Atlantic

Aug 05, 2012 08:10

Title: Across the Atlantic

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 1,102

Rating/Warnings: 12, swearing and sexual innuendos.

Summary: Across the Atlantic, it's hard to keep a relationship going so you have to stay in touch anyway you can. A typical phone conversation between England and America. Done for the ' Collision of Worlds' prompt.

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summer camp, america/england, hetalia, special relationship, england, america

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Comments 4

marimo_blogger August 5 2012, 07:38:52 UTC
Aww X3 I enjoyed the sappiness! The dialogue format is very easy to read, too. Thank you for writing so much for the summer camp; I really enjoyed reading them.


redblonde7 August 5 2012, 21:47:49 UTC
I enjoyed writing the sappiness too after so much angst and drama I've recently written.

Thank you so much, I'm glad you've enjoyed them all. It's always fun to see whether I can complete all the themes for summer camp. So far I've managed to do it, touch wood that I won't have to break that streak!

Thanks for your comment!


xolavander August 5 2012, 19:15:28 UTC
They're so adorable, those two! ;m;
Very well done! Their conversation makes me smile. <3


redblonde7 August 5 2012, 21:48:21 UTC
I love writing adorable USUK, it's make me smile and I'm glad it did the same to you!

Thanks for your comment!


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