Look Underneath

Aug 03, 2012 11:38

Title: Look Underneath

Genre: Friendship/Family/Romance

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 6,630

Rating/Warnings: 12/15, swearing, mentions of death

Summary: Naruto!AU. Arthur is asked to train Alfred in the art of genjutsu. A connection is made. Done for the ' I'll Make A Man Out of You' prompt.

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sakura, summer camp, naruto, naruto!au, england, america, sasuke, crossover, america/england, special relationship, au

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Comments 2

noki4 August 4 2012, 01:01:16 UTC
Yay, a Naruto crossover. I can tell you know your stuff too, it was a good read. I like the idea of Arthur as a genjutsu specialist (maybe with skills in poisoning? Scone kunais. LOL) although personally I would peg Alfred for marksman or ninjutsu specialist. I really like Alfred as Naruto's friend. Have to admit that being Sasuke's friend made my liking of Arthur go down a notch, although I am honest enough to admit it is not liking Sasuke rather than having any basis in how you wrote it. Heh. :P Anyway, I enjoyed this fic!


redblonde7 August 4 2012, 19:04:01 UTC
I'm glad you think so, I checked every single detail on this Naruto wiki website which is always very useful.

I think that Arthur would be sneaky like that and I do think poisoning would be how he would kill people (you've given me way too many ideas). Alfred does have some ninjutsu, it's just chuunin level compared to his taijutsu. Alfred's strongest point is, well, his strength.

Alfred and Naruto would get on really well, they're both idealistic idiots who seem to draw people to them :)

You didn't even like Sasuke when he was a cute, little, non-emo kid? In this AU, Arthur took guardianship of Sasuke right away and since they already knew each other, it became easy for them to strike up a friendship. Although, I'm more interested in Itachi's mind, can't you tell? :D Although, I agree that Sasuke in Part 2 is a complete moron.

Thanks for your comment!


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