Practice Makes Perfect

Jul 20, 2011 11:35

 Title: Practice Makes Perfect

Genre: Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 2,079

Rating/Warnings: None, PG

Summary: In the wake of their newly renewed friendship, Arthur reluctantly agrees to watch Alfred's Quidditch game. Harry Potter AU. Done for 'games' prompt from the usxuk summer camp.

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harry potter au, canada, america/england, hetalia, practice makes perfect, england, america

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Comments 9

renuki July 20 2011, 16:07:22 UTC
*snickers at Draco*

"And what is Alfred doing?" Matthew asked and Arthur felt confused. He raised an eyebrow at Matthew and the other boy just shook his head. "Never mind. You'll find out."

...*then looks at the strange look Alfred had before he come up to them* Does Alfred get very jealous?

Oh really, Francis. Really. :| *tries not to start laughing at him*


redblonde7 July 20 2011, 18:48:25 UTC
I do think that if Arthur and Draco ever coexisted in the same universe, they would not get on.

Matthew asked that because he was a third party to the fight Alfred and Arthur had. The fight was both their faults even though Arthur had a slightly bigger part to play in it and they confronted Arthur's failings more than they looked at Alfred's. And of course he does have some and they will come up.

I did like that bit, I may put Francis in another time and not just as comic relief.

Thanks for your comment!


myfuckinglestat July 20 2011, 18:42:34 UTC
aww poor Francis nobody gets your love! but yeah you deserved it for not having your head on the game...

I'm loving you HP Au <3


redblonde7 July 20 2011, 18:49:15 UTC
Francis is just a little unlucky with the girls he chooses, but he should have been concentrating on the game.

Thank you, I'm glad you're liking it so far!


kasumicc July 21 2011, 06:15:09 UTC
I like seeing Arthur not being afraid of siding even against other Slytherins |D I love his mischievous personality! And Alfred wanting to show off to Arthur's so cute xD


kasumicc July 21 2011, 08:42:28 UTC
Arthur doesn't mind being unpopular (at least that is what he tells himself) and he's not afraid to point out when someone is being an idiot.

I do like writing Alfred showing off to Arthur, it just seems something he, especially his teenage self, would do.

Thanks for your comment!


redblonde7 July 21 2011, 08:43:54 UTC
Sorry, that was me.


xolavander July 22 2011, 20:56:04 UTC
Francis and Draco deserved those punishments. Though Draco's was rather the half of it.

And, noooooo.. You're sick?! Let me patch you up. (:


redblonde7 July 23 2011, 05:48:41 UTC
Yes they did. I did update, I'm glad you are appreciative of the fact.

I'm feeling so much better now thanks. Thanks for the comment!


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