Cross Stitch

Jul 13, 2011 20:24

Title: Cross Stitch

Genre: Drama, a little angst

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 1,292

Rating/Warnings: Swearing, 12/15

Summary: Ever since their fight, Arthur Kirkland and Alfred Jones have ignored each other as best they could. To Arthur, Alfred will always be important though and that can not be ruined over one little fight, so he continues to help ( Read more... )

harry potter au, summer camp, england, america, cross stitch, hetalia, america/england, special relationship, au

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Comments 10

xolavander July 13 2011, 20:12:28 UTC
Aw! Another HP AU! I feel happy right now!
And this fiction is just.. awesome. (:


redblonde7 July 14 2011, 17:28:15 UTC
I do like HP AU. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.


midori_verte July 13 2011, 23:13:12 UTC
I loved this so much! It's hard to find an APH/Harry Potter crossover that's actually good, and this was way beyond good. :D (Also, poor Arthur. I want to give him a hug.)


redblonde7 July 14 2011, 17:28:58 UTC
I found a few APH/HP crossovers that are good but I don't seem to find very many. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

Why do I feel the need to torture Arthur so much? I don't even know.


renuki July 13 2011, 23:59:10 UTC
Dude, Arthur. You got on the bad side of Snape as a Slytherin? That is impressive.

I don't think his gratitude was fake... but that just me.


redblonde7 July 14 2011, 17:30:12 UTC
I think Arthur, with his ambition and cunning, would be a Slytherin but at the same time, he would be the exact kind of person that would greatly annoy Snape.

Well I can't say anything about whether you're right or not ;) but I will be doing another part for this so watch out for that.


kasumicc July 14 2011, 21:50:17 UTC
Yay, HP AU! ♥ But Arthur's situation makes me quite sad ): I hope things get better among those two...


redblonde7 July 17 2011, 14:23:22 UTC
I do like to give Arthur crappy situations to deal with. But they will (hopefully) work it out and stop being stupid.

Thanks for your comment!


lizsallie July 21 2011, 01:34:39 UTC
Of course I love the whole thing, but I would like to especially compliment your word choice. Most notably, "maudlin"

Not only did you choose words which stood well enough alone, they also fit nicely together. <3

*quick hug from a word geek*


redblonde7 July 21 2011, 08:46:20 UTC
Oh thank you! That's another thing I don't get told often (or at all). I'm glad that they worked well together.

*returns hug*



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