The Hunger Games fic: there's a fire down below

Mar 26, 2012 20:33

Title: there's a fire down below, but it's coming up here
Characters: Katniss, Thresh, 74th Hunger Games tributes, assorted others
Rating: PG-13
Length: 856 words
Status: Complete
Warnings: Violence, suicide. And Biblical allusions! Biblical allusions everywhere!
Notes: Written for neuxue's excellent prompt at the Girl on Fire Ficathon. Title and cut text ( Read more... )

gen, the hunger games, #fic, thresh, katniss everdeen

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Comments 34

thursdayspark March 28 2012, 03:50:02 UTC
This is brilliant, i'm in awe rn


redbells March 28 2012, 03:52:45 UTC
Thank you!! Glad you like it :)


heliconian_julz March 28 2012, 07:22:16 UTC
Ohmygoodness this is absolutely flawless.


redbells March 28 2012, 21:17:30 UTC
Thank you!! ♥


century_fox March 28 2012, 18:34:28 UTC
Oh, I love this so much. You did such a great job of developing Thresh- he's one of my favorites and I always want to know more about him, and I love Katniss/Thresh, too. Your descriptions of the rebellion beginning in Districts 11 and 12 were so lovely and perfect, and I loved the part with President Snow, too- that was so spot on and fitting to his personality and I could completely picture that being his thoughts and actions at the start of the rebellion.

Other favorite lines:

Foxface tips her head towards their hiding place before she swallows the berries. When they check to make sure she is dead, they find her hand resting above her heart. Her fingers, stained dark with juice, are curled in Twelve's salute.


Thresh brushes her eyes closed with gentle fingers, and they keep going.

"Coal burns slow and steady," he says. "But put a spark to a field of wheat, and you set the world on fire."


redbells March 28 2012, 21:27:57 UTC
Oh my goodness, wonderful comment is wonderful! Thank you so much ( ... )


downbythebay_4 March 28 2012, 23:05:39 UTC
Haven't even read this yet, but you had me at Biblical allusions. *Flailing*

...I'll be back.


downbythebay_4 March 28 2012, 23:15:32 UTC
Okay. I'm back. Fantastic. Talk about symmetry! And may I just say: "Pharoah's army got drowned, for sure." Don't remember if Springsteen did "O Mary Don't you Weep" in the Seeger Sessions; I'm partial to the Live in Dublin version, myself.


redbells March 28 2012, 23:31:55 UTC
Thank you! "O Mary Don't You Weep" is indeed on the Seeger Sessions - that's where I first heard it. That will always be my favorite version, but I lovelovelove the Live in Dublin rendition as well.

Holy crap I cannot tell you how exciting it is to find another Springsteen fan! Mind if I friend you? Because Springsteen + Hunger Games = awesome beyond all words and I need this and you in my life :)


downbythebay_4 March 28 2012, 23:44:03 UTC
Friend away! I've got you already. ;)


margarita_queen March 30 2012, 06:15:11 UTC
Oh my! This was amazing. It is so simple, yet so packed with emotion. I can never write like this, I wish I could though.


redbells March 30 2012, 14:09:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you like it :)

And don't let what you think about your writing stop you from actually writing! The more you write, the better you get!


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