I have no idea what I'm doing

Nov 07, 2011 11:26

Fic meme! Again! Ignoring the ninety million things I have yet to write for auctions and other memes because this looks like fun! Stolen from jacyevans:

Leave me a fandom, a song title, and a common trope and I'll write you comment!fic.


his dark materials, #fic

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Comments 5

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redbells December 28 2011, 05:16:07 UTC
They leap into oblivion, and he falls forever ( ... )


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redbells January 16 2012, 00:24:38 UTC

And then sets the golden monkey on them. Ahahahahaha this is best description of anything HDM ever. No lie.

I am definitely going to end up writing more Asriel/Marisa because HOLY SHIT THEY ARE PERFECT. In a completely gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, fucked-up way, but still. PERFECT.


jacyevans November 8 2011, 00:07:26 UTC
Supernatural, Cassandra Walks the Plank, if you're reading this...


sgmajorshipper November 8 2011, 00:10:47 UTC
Supernatural, Hands All Over, hugs cure all ills


scintilla10 November 8 2011, 06:57:06 UTC
Supernatural, "This Tornado Loves You," huddling for warmth


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