Pirates fic: it takes an ocean not to break; part six

Jul 20, 2011 12:13

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Length: 370
Status: WIP
Notes: Written for djarum99 for help_japan

The grip of grief and fever. )

potc, elizabeth swann, will/elizabeth, #fic, jack/elizabeth

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Comments 12

djarum99 July 22 2011, 04:54:13 UTC
I love Elizabeth as King to Teague's Machiavelli, and the idea that the EITC has been banished :-) Beautifully written.

My apologies for a recent LJ absence, and I'm looking forward to more as always ♥


redbells August 1 2011, 03:35:50 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying this. I'm really having fun with Teague's character, which is a good thing since he's quite insistent that I include him :P

Don't worry about the LJ absence - I just got back from a vacation myself. The next chapter is being difficult at the moment, but it should be out soon. And as always, thank you for the lovely comment ♥


sharklady35 July 22 2011, 14:42:21 UTC
I suspect she's so on edge 'cause of those pregnancy hormones. Once she realizes the cause she'll manage it better.


redbells August 1 2011, 03:36:25 UTC
*whistles innocently*


sparrows_swann July 27 2011, 19:25:56 UTC
I like her kinship (is that the right word?) with Teague very much! He seems like the only person present that she has any connection with (he being Jack's father) and he seems to have taken a paternal interest in her. It reminds me of Jack's genuine affection for her (IMO) except that his is in more of a frienship/romantic kind of way (again, IMO). I also think that in the shock and anguish of grief, it's good to have something to keep you going, like Elizabeth does. She may be tired and weary, but it's keeping her going! Looking forward to more of this!


redbells August 1 2011, 03:40:15 UTC
Kinship is a perfect word - Teague has taken her under his wing (for a variety of reasons that have yet to be revealed), and he genuinely cares about her. And if he has to load her down with work to keep her mind busy as she acclimates to everything that has happened, so be it. As you said, he's giving her a reason to keep going.

Thank you for the wonderful comment!


pearlseed July 30 2011, 15:49:57 UTC
Between recent health wrecks and LJ wrecks, it's been hit and miss on saying hello and I like this story! Anything near 'bout with Teague is too tough. I feel so much for Elisabeth as she struggles, new wife/widow so far from everything she knows. Teague always intrigues me, scares me a bit. Indeed the night is long.


redbells January 7 2012, 23:05:47 UTC
Hello my dear piratista! I'm woefully late in replying to this, but better late than never, yes? So glad you're enjoying the fic - I've been neglecting the next chapter, but I'm slowly getting back to working on it :)

And I hope you're feeling better my dear - please cease and desist all health wrecks. Not allowed!


geekmama August 1 2011, 02:00:14 UTC
Your writing has a clarity that cuts right to the heart of emotion. Beautifully done, and I'm very much looking forward to more.


redbells January 7 2012, 22:57:00 UTC
Woefully late in replying, but thank you so much for the wonderful comment - you always make me feel like I've succeeded with my writing :)


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