Pirates fic: it takes an ocean not to break; part one

Jul 06, 2011 14:58

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Length: 208
Status: WIP
Notes: Written for djarum99 for help_japan. Sorry it's been such a long wait!

All my ships have sailed. )

potc, elizabeth swann, will/elizabeth, #fic, jack/elizabeth

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Comments 14

whensheflies July 6 2011, 23:29:27 UTC
Oh gosh! I love post-AWE fic like this. I don't wish that disappointment on Elizabeth, but it sure does make for good fic. This is lovely. In so few words, you've evoked Elizabeth's loss and pain. Just beautiful. Can't wait for part two.


redbells July 7 2011, 03:54:24 UTC
Thanks! I love post-AWE fics - there's so much left open to interpretation. What happens to Elizabeth after the ships leave? Does Jack ever get the Pearl back?

In so few words, you've evoked Elizabeth's loss and pain. Just beautiful.

What a compliment. I was unsure about the length of the piece (it's more of a snippet than a chapter), and this comment made me feel so much better about my decision to post in small parts :)

Part two should be up in the next day or so - I can't wait to hear what you think. Things get worse before they get better for poor Elizabeth, unfortunately.


sparrows_swann July 7 2011, 00:10:04 UTC
Looking forward to the rest of this story! I'm interested to see what you'll have Elizabeth do and feel, mainly because I happened upon some old metas on Elizabeth's arc today. There's always been a lively debate on what exactly Elizabeth was doing in those ten years and what her feelings were on her decisions.


redbells July 7 2011, 03:58:44 UTC
Poor Elizabeth is going to have a time of it in this fic - I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of how she deals with life after AWE. Could you possibly link me to those metas? I'd love to see what other people think about the decisions she made :)

Thanks for the read and the write!


sparrows_swann July 7 2011, 19:30:12 UTC
Ooh I like angsty fic! Of course I will link you to the metas. Some of the comments are just as interesting as the original posts ( ... )


redbells July 8 2011, 19:54:35 UTC
Oh my goodness, those metas are excellent! I spent several hours poking around the potc_feminists journal - thank you for pointing me in that direction. That comm is going to be an awesome resource/source of inspiration for future stories :)


beautyfrompain July 7 2011, 00:11:07 UTC
This just... makes me want to cry. Wow. How heart breakingly beautiful, her emotion and disappointment felt so tangible. As always, love the way you describe things. So poetic. <3


redbells July 7 2011, 18:00:42 UTC
Is it inappropriate that I'm cheering that you want to cry? Kidding, kidding. I always try to evoke a lot of emotion, and I'm so glad that's what this piece is doing :)

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment!


djarum99 July 7 2011, 01:54:30 UTC
I'm so happy to see this post! Thank you ♥

Love the last three lines in particular, but it's all beautifully written, as always. I'm looking forward to the next installment :-)


redbells July 7 2011, 18:03:42 UTC
I'm so happy that I was finally able to figure out a way to post it! I think I'm going to be posting a snippet every other day for a while, so there won't be a long wait in between parts :)

I was trying to write something happy, but then those last three lines snuck up on me and I just had to go with it. So glad you're enjoying it so far ♥


(The comment has been removed)

redbells July 8 2011, 20:18:35 UTC
A comment! From you! With no nagging necessary! *dies from shock/glee*

You know how much better you've made me feel about this story - I would probably still be trying to work up the nerve to post it if you hadn't told me how silly I was being. You = awesomest pre-reader ever. Also, yay! I am effectively communicating what I want to communicate! Elizabeth is broken and confused and scared, but she's still a strong woman. I am so, so relieved that that's coming through in my writing.


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