Title: The Measure of a Man
gilpin25Summary: I’m sixteen years old and I’m in love with a girl who thinks I’m an arrogant, bullying toerag, and I don’t know how to change her mind as everything I do just makes it worse. James Potter, who usually has all the answers, has none for this... (James/Lily)
Rating: R
Warnings: Language; violence
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Comments 35
I liked how you had James reach an epiphany about the effect his casual form of arrogance had on the people around him.
Thank you again. :)
I'm very glad you liked Euan - I kept giving him more lines as I thought he was so nice! And Snape is fun to write, I liked the idea that he'd completely get James' motives wrong because they loathed and distrusted each other so much but, in his own, slightly warped way, just wanted it between the two of them.
In fact the whole thing was really enjoyable and interesting to write so it's great to hear you liked it so much. Thank you again.:D
Love your icon!
I really like your fic because I think you got his voice right, and his awareness that he has to change even though it doesn't come naturally.
I like ALL of your Marauders :)
And thank you again, you're very kind. That's another icon I like!
Also think Remus' role with stopping Sirius could play a bit into the way their relationship shifts in the future? Or am I thinking too much?
Oh, and I thought your action scene was fantastic. Really well-done duel, with just the right balance of action, dialogue, and internal monologue.
This is a really great read. :)
More seriously, I am very, very pleased you liked this as it gave me much brain ache! Not actually writing it, which was really enjoyable, but trying to sort out in my head beforehand (and during) where I was going with it, and how I saw James from all those well scattered canon clues. Some seem to contradict the others, but then that made it interesting to try and come up with a way his 'growing-up' could have started, and what prompted it.
Very glad you liked Remus' part in this; of course, this is my answer to writing James/Lily - give Remus a starring role and only let poor Lily actually turn up at the end, lol.
Also think Remus' role with stopping Sirius could play a bit into the way their relationship shifts in the future? Or am I thinking too much?I'd say you're spot on as I was going for the theory that it was feasible Remus would stop Sirius (although I was careful to say 'for once' as we all know he's not the world's greatest prefect ( ... )
*is too incoherent to form words*
This is the best James characterization ever. EVER. I loved it all, all of them, Remus, Sirius, Lily, Severus. And Euan? Best OC ever.
I'll come back for a lengthier review later. Because I am too busy rereading the fic and loving it right now, I can't seem to find words to describe it ♥
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Do you mind if I friend you?
Please do. As long as I can friend you back, of course! :)
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