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Comments 22

kikimay March 28 2015, 12:01:26 UTC
I love your alts so much!

I must say, I kinda love more the alts for monochrome + text (Although I do believe that you probably chose the most original and pretty one for the contest) still I really like 30, 32, 34 a lot. I also like 22 a lot and 23 (very original, I'd like to see more of this) and while I think that 21 is very intersting conceptually - parallels are my kink! - I think that a complex image like that should work better in a large artwork.

I also really like the Bangel alts 3 and 4 and 5 because Buffy's face is too pretty.

Talking about the actual icons in the contest my most favorite is grey and, you know me, I don't like black and white icons generally, but this one is so pretty and soft. Most beautiful.

I also like pop art, stolen claim is cute because Angel gets the pink (yay!) monochrome + text, indie prestige drama and AC4.


red_satin_doll April 3 2015, 22:47:15 UTC
I love your alts so much!

THANK YOU sweetheart! And do do forgive me for the delay in reply to your lovely, detailed comments, because I always appreciate them so very much.

I kinda love more the alts for monochrome + text

No worries, I love every single version of that image - including the alts I didn't post AND the banner versions. (Oh yes, there are banner versions and they are awesome, if I do say so myself.) Putting together two of my favorite images of season 1 buffy and willow was a "why didn't I think of that sooner?" moment. Choosing the entry version was perhaps the single hardest decision this round.

while I think that 21 is very intersting conceptually - parallels are my kink! - I think that a complex image like that should work better in a large artwork.

Like this? :D

I also really like the Bangel alts 3 and 4 and 5 because ( ... )


kikimay April 3 2015, 23:03:06 UTC

No worries, I love every single version of that image - including the alts I didn't post AND the banner versions. (Oh yes, there are banner versions and they are awesome, if I do say so myself.) Putting together two of my favorite images of season 1 buffy and willow was a "why didn't I think of that sooner?" moment. Choosing the entry version was perhaps the single hardest decision this round.

But ultimately I think you really used the better version. I just love the white in chosen icon.

http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/red_satin_doll/51574655/260253/260253_900.pngYAAASS! *__* More! This is amazing! I never thought about the parallels of Buffy and Willow standing in front of each others and plus you PUT THERE THE QUOTE FROM THE HOURS. FAVORITE MOVIE! MY FEELINGS ( ... )


red_satin_doll April 4 2015, 16:07:59 UTC
I just love the white in chosen icon.

Thank you hon. I'm trying to use textures in new ways (new to me anyhow) and I loved the facets that one gave. But I love the smoother simpler versions too. My beloved Muse liked the version you did, maybe I should have gone with that?

I keep thinking I need to be more interesting, more layered but then I think, maybe I should have gone simpler? IDK I just love that image a ton.

plus you PUT THERE THE QUOTE FROM THE HOURS. FAVORITE MOVIE! MY FEELINGS!! I had you in mind especially when I did that because I remembered our conversations. :) My Cat 5 icon, the "indie drama one" was inspired partly by the hours so I thought of your when I made it. I tried to put the quote in it but couldn't make it legible in icon size; I plan to fix that in the larger version ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

red_satin_doll March 30 2015, 05:38:08 UTC
Thank you!


snogged March 28 2015, 12:33:19 UTC
I am so glad that you tackled the Buffy/Willow friendship for this round. I think that's very awesome of you and I'm glad you shared your alts with us as well.

The standouts for me are Food, Grey, Name, your movie poster set, and your AC set. Willow's facial expression in "Wild" is so adorably scrunched up. I had forgotten that she'd even made that face. :)

Well done, sweetie!


red_satin_doll April 3 2015, 02:51:50 UTC
Well done, sweetie!

Thank you dear! And I am SOOOOO sorry it's taken me forever to reply, I thought I had already done so!

I'm thrilled you like the icons, I hoped that you would. someone can read these as friendship or shippy-ship or however, it works any which way. But it was a lot of fun and really interesting to look back at the episodes and see that there's a lot of "there there" when it comes to Buffy and Willow (which really gets overlooked somehow in fandom as far as I can see, and that's a shame.)

Hey, maybe we can ignite a fire and get fandom to appreciate their friendship again?

Thanks so much for the feedback on the icons - Food started out as a larger version and I worked soooo hard to get it to look ok in icon-size. Grey is the best of a series of Becoming/Persona icons that I did (there are more alts but I held back a few). I'm not as pleased with my AC set overall as I was round 6, but I love the Category set and had a blast making those.

I had forgotten that she'd even made that face. :)So had I! There's a ( ... )


snogged April 3 2015, 11:59:10 UTC
Hey, maybe we can ignite a fire and get fandom to appreciate their friendship again?
What would you suggest that we do? :P


red_satin_doll April 3 2015, 18:41:24 UTC
What would you suggest that we do? :P
The same way you made me think "Gunn/Willow? Thewishverse Buffy/Williow? Cool pairings!" That kwritten made me appreciate Dawn and velvetwhip made me appreciate Joyce/Angel:

Post more art, write more fics/metas etc focusing on Buffy and Willow. I'm creating an album in my scrapbook of Wiffy art that I want to post (and there's more than I've added to the scrapbook yet, oh my is there more):

I'd be totally jazzed if one of my banners inspired someone to write a story btw; I seem to create a lot of banners for stories that don't exist yet (or I haven't discovered them.)


velvetwhip March 28 2015, 16:59:26 UTC
These are extraordinary! I know you already knew that I felt that way, but it never hurts to say it again!!!!



red_satin_doll March 30 2015, 05:37:26 UTC
I never mind hearing (reading) it again, hon!

You're an incomparable Muse.


beer_good_foamy March 29 2015, 13:14:10 UTC
These are neat, as always - and wow, one of my own too, thanks! :)

I especially like 30-43 - they both have such expressive faces, and you really bring that out.


red_satin_doll March 30 2015, 05:33:59 UTC
Thank you, and you're very welcome, I'm glad you got the notification!

I especially like 30-43 - they both have such expressive faces, and you really bring that out.

*blushes* This image started out as a banner (or a series thereof) that I just adore. Putting these two images together was one of those "two great tastes that taste great together" moments (aka, two of my favorite Buffyverse images, they're perfect together, why didn't I think to pair them sooner?)


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