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Comments 22

feliciacraft April 4 2016, 05:25:39 UTC
So gorgeous! My faves for this round (very difficult to choose!) are Smile, Far Crop, Alt 7, and Cat 2.


red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 18:24:56 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm tickled how Smile has been named by almost everyone here, I had no idea it would be so popular! Far Crop and Cat 2 are definitely two of my favorites (obviously, they're both teasers)


kikimay April 4 2016, 07:54:17 UTC
YAYYYYYYY, you finally posted the new icons! Awwww, Buffy's face *_____*

Faves: AC2!!! And AC3, Faceless, smile, cat5, cat2.


red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 18:28:02 UTC
Buffy's face gives me life! :D

Thank you sweetheart, I hoped you would like these. AC2 and Cat2 are among my favorites. I'm interested in the fact that nearly everyone has mentioned Smile as a favorite, is it the fact that I tend to focus on Buffy's angst, so that it provides a contrast? Or is it just pretty?


kikimay April 4 2016, 19:26:19 UTC

Oh, you know, I was actually thinking that while I was searching for the new icons and then I went away for a week and also I didn't want to bother, but it's actually really difficult to find happy Buffy icons? Like, if you go searching, the vast majority of the icons are about sad Buffy. And since I personally wanted to express also my lighter side it was more challengy to find smiling Buffy icons. (Same with Harry Potter! The vast majority of icons about Harry are so sad! It's so hard to find smiling!Harry icons!)

Also the icon is pretty!


red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 20:33:07 UTC
Right? I could icon Buffy forever. Last year I was happy that I challenged myself doing characters I don't normally do, like Riley, Lorne, Kendra, Jenny, etc, but it was nice to "come home" to Buffy for this.

Maybe my next challenge is a bunch of happy Buffy icons? It's actually easier to depict pain and angst, we all identify with it. That smile icon was one of the easiest ones of this set to make (don't tell anyone - it just came together in no time.)

Thanks again sweetie!


snogged April 4 2016, 12:23:23 UTC
I love this set and the song you chose. Anna Nalick has a beautiful voice,

My favorites are: Faceless, Smile, Far Crop, your entire Category set, AC 3, and AC 4. I also like Alt 5 and Alt 7. :D


red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 18:34:29 UTC
Anna really does! I don't have iPod shuffle, it's the song that was playing on Pandora when I was thinking about this set. Crystal Bowersox's Dead Weight would have worked thematically as well. I'm on a Crystal Bowersox kick lately.

Thank you for the feedback and compliments! I'm really fond of Far Crop because far crops are really hard for me, like ridiculously so; I tried several others for this round and this is the only one I was happy with.

your entire Category set,

YOU MADE MY DAY! Seriously, it's a huge compliment because making cohesive "sets" is something I admire in other people and have been striving to achieve. So thank you thank you.


teragramm April 4 2016, 12:59:02 UTC
You out did yourself, these are lovely!!! What a very nice set! My faves this round are faceless, clock, smile, ns+text and ac1. Nice job!


red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 18:35:40 UTC
Thank you so much! Wow. what a compliment!


velvetwhip April 4 2016, 16:24:04 UTC
I thought I commented last night. These are fantabulous!



red_satin_doll April 4 2016, 18:15:45 UTC
You did! But somehow I posted a duplicate post so you commented on the first one (I deleted that to avoid confusion.)

I can't thank you enough for your feedback on these!


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