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Comments 31

velvetwhip February 18 2016, 05:13:25 UTC
These are all stupendous! I love Party, Dream, Plain Background, Climax... all of them really. Bravissima!!!!!!

Like you, I think IRYJ is a terrific episode!



red_satin_doll February 18 2016, 05:26:21 UTC
Thank you so much, cara mia!

I watched half the episode today and want to finish it tomorrow. It's adorable!

(I didn't mention that Xander is still being a jerk to Willow at this point. I'd forgotten how he used to make me cringe in S1 on a pretty consistent basis.)


velvetwhip February 18 2016, 06:34:01 UTC
Xander was very insensitive in Season 1. *sigh*



red_satin_doll February 19 2016, 13:20:19 UTC
And then he'd do something terrific, so you knew he cared about Willow and Buffy, but that doesn't stop him from acting like a jackass. Even knowing about his family and making excuses for that it can be...hard to watch. I ended up cringing on Willow's behalf a lot these early seasons (which is one of the reasons I haven't rewatched them recently, I think.)

IRYJ has that scene near the beginning where Willow asks Xander if he'll stay late with her at the library, which in Willow-speak is the equivalent of asking him to stay late at the park and neck, and he laughs at her "Are you kidding?" Her reaction - ouch.


feliciacraft February 18 2016, 06:44:26 UTC
Oooh, lovely!

Favs this time around are: Party, Bright Yellow, Flower Texture, Resolution, AC1, and Alt 6.

I know the show's about Buffy and slaying, but I wish Giles wasn't so alone. Why can't he have adult friends? Even Spike has Clem as a buddy. Oh, and poor Jenny. :(


red_satin_doll February 19 2016, 18:46:32 UTC
Thank you so much for the feedback! :D

I'm tickled that two the icons I disliked the most, or really worried were subpar - Party and Dream - are ones that have been singled out a lot in the comments. Shows that I am not the best judge of my own work! AC1 and Alt 6 OTOH are two of my favorites *points to user pic*. I almost make Alt 6 my b/w+ color but I also wanted to use the shot for my "yellow" icon so I had to choose.

but I wish Giles wasn't so alone I so agree with this - I ship Giles with Jenny, Joyce, and Olivia. If Joss is so into angst why does he think the best way to do that is to end relationships? Relationships - yes, even healthy, stable, functional ones - are THE SOURCE of angst. I don't read the Jessica Jones comics (I've seen the first five eps of the series and that's it, 'cause they were free), but in the comics she and Luke have gotten married and have a baby, for crying out loud. Whereas nobody ends up in a relationship in the Buffyverse it seems ( ... )


snogged February 18 2016, 13:06:32 UTC
Marvelous work!
My favorites from this set are party, personification, touch of color, the end, AC 1, AC 4, alternates 5 and 6. :)


red_satin_doll February 19 2016, 18:48:55 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm stunned that Party is such a hit because I wasn't happy with it - but I'll take it! I'll take the compliments! I think of this set my favorite is AC1.


bangel_4e February 18 2016, 16:19:10 UTC
I'm gonna begin by saying that I probably would have liked the episode more if the monster had been more realistic or done better. But I understand it was season1 and they were low on budget so I just watch it as a filler episode, nothing more. It was cute to see Willow in a romantic position (even with that happened later) and yeah, it foreshadowed quite a bit of what we deal with now. It's probably one of the worst BTVS episodes for me, but all in all..it's still Buffy.

NOW ONTO THE ICONS!!! I have to say cat5 is my favorite..IT IS AMAZING! Composition and light are great and I like the contrast between the two moments captured. I also loved the text in personification (VERY CLEVER), flower texture (love the composition here), the crop of touch of color and ac5 which has a very beautiful clarity and light.
A great set. And I like that you chose what is considered an unpopular episode of BTVS.


red_satin_doll February 19 2016, 19:00:35 UTC
It's probably one of the worst BTVS episodes for me, but all in all..it's still Buffy.

Thank you for explaining - the MOTW is the weakest aspect but that's always true of MOTW eps. I still find the generalized amount of hate it gets over and over puzzling. I remembered the episode as charming and funny and I just rewatched yesterday it and still enjoyed it. Whereas there are other episodes that are far worse IMO, or at best forgettable: The Witch, Inca Mummy Girl (my candidate for worst, possibly), Puppet Show (dull), Bad Eggs, the rage and headache inducing As You Were.

I have to say cat5 is my favorite.

Thank you! That one is definitely one of my favorites - one I knew I had to include come hell or high water. I had a version with the text "we're doomed" but it just didn't work - the image said it all. I'm not great with text if you hadn't noticed *lol*

I also loved the text in personification Except maybe that one, I do like - at least in concept. I suppose it would have been more interesting to have part of the text ( ... )


bangel_4e February 19 2016, 19:44:28 UTC
Yeah, Puppet Show was another bad one. Dull, exactly as you said. I didn't mind The Witch cause Buffy is so fun in it. And Bad Eggs has Bangel so that's a plus for me eheh
I liked As You Were, even if parts of it are awful like Sam...ugh. What an awful, awful character for an awful actress.
Oh, I could talk about Buffy episodes all life..I was once part of this beautiful forum where we discussed episodes (among other fun activities) and lots of interesting things came out of it. I just can't remember its name lol.

Oh, I find the best thing for text is practice..I'm practicing it myself cause I always find it really hard to include it in an icon but I found out that it can save me sometimes when I don't have ideas.

Personification has a very interesting concept. I like i :)

Oh, I loved the idea of picking alts for ACs but I never do alts cause I never have them O.o
It's one icon and that's it. Which makes the whole process longer and difficult to bear with.


red_satin_doll February 23 2016, 01:00:18 UTC
Puppet Show was another bad one. Dull, exactly as you said.

It has imagery that will be referenced later - Giles as stage manager, Willow with stage fright, Giles having his brains nearly sliced off but not even the introduction of Snyder manages to make that episode memorable.

even if parts of it are awful like Sam...ugh. What an awful, awful character for an awful actress.

The actress seems cooler and more interesting in the behind the scenes clips I've seen. Like, she seems like someone who would be cool to hang out with, she just can't act her way out of a paper bag.

And I hate hate hate the degree to which Buffy is humiliated in that ep. Like, does Sam HAVE to look like a barbie doll supermodel? And her apologizing to Riley (while he never offers an apology for his shit) will NEVER be ok with me. In fact, I can feel my rage rising as we speak....I must go and cool down.

I could talk about Buffy episodes all life I'd love to be more involved in conversations because it's a fascinating series but finding spaces that don' ( ... )


all_malocks February 18 2016, 17:07:13 UTC
I like your center text icon. Such a simple but effect solution to the challenge! I also like the cropping on touch of color and the "cartoony" thought cloud you used on dream. I had a hard time coming up with something for that challenge. :)

The composition on cat 5 is fantastic and I really like your extra 5!


red_satin_doll February 19 2016, 19:16:47 UTC
I like your center text icon.

Thank you! It's not showy or accomplished but I just liked the concept. I could have used any number of quotes from the show because this ep has some great lines, but I like using elements that are actually in the screen caps whenever possible. This icon actually could have gone in the Category set, but I could have shuffled several of these around. That is always my problem.

I had a hard time coming up with something for that challenge.

Seriously? Because your's is beautiful - and your center text icon is BRILLIANT. (PS Good luck this round!)

The most difficult for me were Party and Dream, because this episode has neither, not even a slayer dream. So I'm surprised that both have been mentioned a lot in the comments here. But I had a harder time with several of these than I would have expected.


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