Title: My Boyfriend
Pairing: YooMin, SeuKi, KISS Couple
red_planet31Warnings: Shonen ai
Genre: Fluffy Fluffington the bear, Humor(because listening to Yoochun singing "My Girlfriend" does strange things to me)
Disclaimer: I do not own Dong Bang Shin Ki. T___T
Synopsis: Changmin wants to put his feelings into words and Yoochun waits patiently.
On to the fluffy humor~~ )
Comments 34
and I just want u to know that ... I'd never read truely Kiss's fic like this >o<
Really fall in love with ur fiction
Kiz's fan ^^
You just HAD to write a fic about it, didn't you?
Sigh. Such evil genius. No wonder your LJ is one of my faves when it comes to the boys *grin*.
Do you take requests? 'Coz I so badly want a YunJae/JaeChun. I'd write one myself except I'm about dry as the Sahara lately when it comes to writing fics. Never take a sabbatical from writing. Muses don't like sabbaticals.
Believe me, I was listening to My Girlfriend on repeat when I wrote this fic.(I tend not to finish my fics but I was determined to finish this so apparently the song was my inspiration/source of craziness hahahah). Darn Yoochun's sexy voice.
FINALLY, someone acknowledges my evil genius-ness. Mwahahaha. All thanks to the 'gingerbread man's vitality' line. I have a feeling when I'm bored I'm going to send a message to Bigeastation and thank Yoochun.. ^__^
I could TRY to write a YunJae fic but as you can see most of my fics are cracky,humor,fluffy and really not great work of arts or anything but if you don't mind I could try. Don't know about the JaeChun though because I'm currently channeling all my energy into Yoomin. Hahah.
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