kei update #4

Aug 07, 2022 22:09

Hi guys. I heard from M and it's been a very rough week for Kei. Kei didn't give me permission to share full details about what's going on yet and I've not been able to speak directly to her for more than a week, so unfortunately I have to stay vague. She's had several procedures done and the aftermath has left her in rough shape. Prayers/good ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

engarian August 8 2022, 10:59:40 UTC
Thank you for this update. I was about ready to message you directly to find out if there was any news. I'm holding her and her family in my thoughts, of course. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get over there.

- Erulisse (one L)


phyncke August 8 2022, 13:49:11 UTC
Still praying here and hope you have a safe journey there. I am glad you are going there. Say hello for me! I really appreciate these updates.


aglarien1 August 8 2022, 14:00:44 UTC

Thanks for the update, Red. I’ve updated my prayer list ladies so another request will go out again on the list. You and Kei and her family are in my prayers. I hope there’s no passport issues and your journey is smooth!


minuial_nuwing August 9 2022, 01:22:56 UTC
Thanks for the update, Red. I think of both you and Kei often, and healing thoughts and prayers are going out for everyone. I hope your trip itself is completely uneventful and that there is encouraging news when you arrive. Take care of yourself.

**hugs tight**


curiouswombat August 11 2022, 18:28:47 UTC
Thank you - I am so sorry to hear things are not going as smoothly as we had hoped, but I am so glad you are going to get out there more or less as planned.

I am remembering Kei, and her daughter and their family, in my prayers, but had managed to miss your previous update; I would have asked for her email to send her a message - but can understand if it might be a bit much just now, for her.

I am sending her very gentle virtual hugs - and also one for you, too.


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