Made sure to use my man-love icon for this post!frozenblueiceApril 22 2006, 20:47:03 UTC
Right-Wing Gov't Asshole #1: Forget the truth! Let's just print the parts of history we want them to hear!
Gov't Lackey: Yes sir!
Right-Wing Gov't Asshole #2: Then, we'll wage a so-called moral war to gain the votes of the Bible Belt. That way our own jack-assery will become invisible behind our curtain of "righteousness"!
Homosexuality is usually permitted until a certain age, and then it's considered unsightly -
Among the Romans, pedophilia and most open cases of sexuality were usually the subject of negative press - look at some of Ovid's or the Stotics works for further detail.
Popular tradition in New Guniea until the whites came, found it destestable, and now seek to eradicate it. Just like how white people are trying to stop ritual scarification in Africa and yet you can get the same shit done in a tattoo or piercing parlour.
Also, some Native American cultures, when faced with men who did not want to take the rite of passage adopted them as "women-men" - these men wore female garb, "married", and basically did domestic things.
FGM is a serious problem that still dogs most of Africa and some Middle Eastern countries -
There's tons of sources out there on the internet about it; it's quite quite different from scarification and tribial tattoos (you know, the real things, not the disgusting pieces of shit that people trot out and get because it's trendy) - most white intervention in these "primitive" cultures results in the complete loss and "assimilation" of these people into a less interesting homogenous culture. For something you'll be more familiar with, check out the tattooing that went on in the northen islands of Japan. I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but it featured "mustaches" tattooed on the younger women. Of course when the mainland Japanese pushed out, they were like, "Eewww, savages, stop it!"
Comments 9
You can buy it used on regular amazon used and ebay, but they are very expensive because it was banned.
Put it on the coffee table, great icebreaker.
Gov't Lackey: Yes sir!
Right-Wing Gov't Asshole #2: Then, we'll wage a so-called moral war to gain the votes of the Bible Belt. That way our own jack-assery will become invisible behind our curtain of "righteousness"!
Gov't Lackey: Brilliant! Genius!
/The rest is history...
Among the Romans, pedophilia and most open cases of sexuality were usually the subject of negative press - look at some of Ovid's or the Stotics works for further detail.
Popular tradition in New Guniea until the whites came, found it destestable, and now seek to eradicate it. Just like how white people are trying to stop ritual scarification in Africa and yet you can get the same shit done in a tattoo or piercing parlour.
Also, some Native American cultures, when faced with men who did not want to take the rite of passage adopted them as "women-men" - these men wore female garb, "married", and basically did domestic things.
I heard about people trying to stop female circumsision not the scaring stuff ;e;
There's tons of sources out there on the internet about it; it's quite quite different from scarification and tribial tattoos (you know, the real things, not the disgusting pieces of shit that people trot out and get because it's trendy) - most white intervention in these "primitive" cultures results in the complete loss and "assimilation" of these people into a less interesting homogenous culture. For something you'll be more familiar with, check out the tattooing that went on in the northen islands of Japan. I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but it featured "mustaches" tattooed on the younger women. Of course when the mainland Japanese pushed out, they were like, "Eewww, savages, stop it!"
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