Marvel Bang: if we bridge this gap (Avengers; Gen)

Nov 17, 2016 11:32


So, I had this fic idea like... after The Avengers came out. And I started and stopped it for years after - loved the idea but couldn't wrestle it, so I shelved it. Loved it again, but shortly after starting it, it was too overwhelming, so it was shelved. Loved, too much research or probelms or couldn't sort it and ( Read more... )

character: tony stark, character: natasha romanoff, movie: avengers, marvel bang, fic, writing

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Comments 4

stars_inthe_sky November 17 2016, 19:33:17 UTC
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!1!!!!111!!


red_b_rackham November 20 2016, 02:37:34 UTC

... )


jesterlady November 17 2016, 23:09:19 UTC

Wow! Good for you darling! Excited!


red_b_rackham November 20 2016, 02:38:13 UTC
Thank you, thank you!! ME TOO. I can't believe Part 1 is finally out there. Now I just gotta get the next part out!!


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