Community, Castle & More [Part 2]

Nov 06, 2011 22:45

There's no Community art in this second part, actually, but I figured I better be consistent in my entry naming. :P Pure desktops in this post! From Castle, Grey's Anatomy, Chuck, Lost, Harry Potter and more...

don't think it don't get to me )

movie: harry potter, ship: mark/erica, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: lost, character: neville longbottom, ship: sayid/shannon, ship: chuck/sarah, tv: chuck, musician: michael buble, movie: 500 days of summer, actor: tr knight, character: charlie pace, tv: castle, actor: seamus dever, actress: katherine heigl

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Comments 3

vaguelynicole November 9 2011, 10:37:15 UTC
I really like your Dobby one, the way you've done the colours and everything =)


red_b_rackham November 15 2011, 05:41:29 UTC
Thank you so much!! I'll admit, a lot of the stuff I'm making now is an attempt to get people to reblog stuff on my tumblr, LOL. I look at what other people reblog and try to create something to sort of mimic that style, in the hopes that people will reblog me. Kind of pathetic, hehe, I know. The problem is tho that I'm too obsessed with textures and I change my mind seventy times while I'm making stuff, so nine times out of ten, it looks nothing like whatever inspired me, LOL.



vaguelynicole December 5 2011, 20:51:17 UTC
Nah, it's not pathetic, I think it's normal, I like people to read my writing for instance!


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