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Comments 3

cherish4 April 26 2011, 19:02:07 UTC
Found you via a mention on hawaiifive-0-tv, in a post about Danny/Kono. Have just realised that I kinda ship these two, so it's lovely to find some wallpapers for them. :)


red_b_rackham May 20 2011, 02:22:26 UTC
Thank you!! Ya, I know, me too, haha. About mid-way through the season they were doing this adorable bantering, and kind of ever since their kiss I'd vaguely entertained the idea. I joined a comm on a different forum for them, and made a giant pile for them, and I think I'm definitely fairly full-blown shipper now. :D



cherish4 May 20 2011, 19:24:44 UTC
I thought the kiss was very hot but I think it was when Kono was giving Danny a surfing lesson, that I sorta started to ship them more.

May I also just say thankyou for not referencing anything from the finale in your reply. I know, from what was in episode 23, that things were going in a certain other direction for Danny but I've not yet seen the finale itself, so I appreciate you not mentioning anything that might have happened in it!


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