GI-ness Ahoy!

Mar 19, 2010 19:09

Hey everyone! I have great news and a small pile of G/I stuff to share with you after the cut...


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art: avatars, art: desktops, character: izzie stevens, tv: grey's anatomy, fic: torn to tattered, ship: george/izzie, character: george o'malley

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Comments 2

greysaddiction March 22 2010, 16:53:07 UTC
Hey Red!
Looove the G/I ness!
Beautiful new avvies and I love those banners! :D
May snag... will credit of course!

Hope you're feeling better soon...!!!

I seriously have to come to LJ more often lol!


red_b_rackham March 30 2010, 23:29:52 UTC
Thanks Cindy!! :D I'm glad you like.

I am finally, yes. I had an irritating and super crappy flu/cold thing for about three weeks. The cough is still hanging on, but I (*knock on wood* lol) am finally better. Having a lot of work-related stress this past month probably didn't help.

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and commenting! :D



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