Пару дней провёл на Кворе. Вроде пока не забанили и вообще вопросы с подтекстом вроде пропускают. Только
тут почему-то детали сразу удаляют. А вопрос такой
I want answer for a
question, raised by RT: why,
unlike Aleppo, is it not a slaughter to bomb Mosul (
and others) and how can you say that
citizen should not leave the anti-terror area and, at the same time, that
displacement is the only reasonable solution?
Edit: Ага, вот уже
начали удалять. Причём делают это подло, без уведомления. Удалённое содержимое таково
As I
explained, you need to change your lifestyle. the environment is killed by this (urban sprawl)
It is your dream that kills the nature. It is basically waste. You earn good money, every decent man earts a hell lot of money for only one thing - kill more nature! Just think about it. All oil is consumed by huge distances you have to make with this kind of infrastructure, which is also waste of heat and all other resources. People need to save to depend on solar energy and do not kill too much forest and everything else and vertical cities solve this problem
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... For instance, you can walk in a vertical cities to everywhere because everything is close and public transportation is cheap (tens of times less energy) to bring you at a distant locations. You will have less corrosion, less pipelines, everything 10-100 less consumption because of sharing and free heating (like bees in hive are not frozen at winter because of their density their work produces colateral heat).
These are not skyscrapers of Los Angeles that devastate the environment, these are suburbs, as Artus Bertrant
brilliantly highlight in his HOME.
The summary is also here
What life-style decision can I make to reduce my carbon footprint most efficiently? You can recommend watch good movies about it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... Dense cities also going to save the species because species need forests that you take for your civilization, turning all country into one big city. That is terrible. You can leave all those territories to the wild animals. Can you think about it?
Once you give up from investing trillions and trillions into the cars and suburbs, you will get the resources for developing the health care system. Can you just think a second about that?
terrorism is created by US imperialism. Has it wondered you that terrorism threatens Western nations but never threatens the Kaddafi or Assad regime, despite they live in the region where all the terrorists come from? Nazi and wahhabits are US a weapon to penetrate independent regimes and doom them or bend them into vassal states. US has even been sentenced by World Court to be the only terrorist in the World (google for Nicaragua in
From Central America to Iraq). Here, I give
in into nazist nature of Eastern Europen regimes.
And here is the other, verbatim
building up their empire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... There is a number uncolonized nations, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, North Korea and China. They use Nazi in Eastern Europe and Wahhabit thugs in the Middle East to overthrow these goverments and set up their opressive terroristic order
ukraine nazi march - Google Search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... Here is confession from McCain - al Nusra are the “moderates” that you support.
In layman's terms, why is the situation in Syria the way it is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... Any resistence to the Nazi-Jahadist mercinary is brutally punished.
US is not about saving anybody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... They
kill every Iraqi bit.ly, who dares to resist their imperial invasion, which as any evil is made under
false, fabricated and looking stupid reasons. Your question makes no sense. How can these animals, serves of the devil save anybody?
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Oct 28, 5:00 PM PDT
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Короче, пишут что специализироваться на продукте "борьба с империализмом" недопустимо поскольку посвящение себя одной животрепещущей теме это "спам". Что же, надо признать что я кровно заинтересован в продвижении этого "продукта", следовательно это действительно "спам". Американский империализм неуязвим. Точно также вы не смели пикнуть против воли гитлера.
Ага, читаем
decline of StackOverflow So while Quora may seem more democratic and reasonable, this is really only at the surface. Trolling and plain petty authoritarianism from privileged users is no less common on that site. For many of the same reasons
Huxley’s dystopian A Brave New World is more creepy and disturing than Orwell’s dystopian 1984, Quora is more creepy and more disturbing as a Q&A community than Stack Overflow.
Различие между топорной дистопией Оруэлла и утончённой тиранией Хаксли по русски можно
познать у кравецкого (
рабочая версия).
Позже я
подытожил процесс использования "Be nice" и политики отчисти форумов от жалоб на несправедливый мир как самоцензуру в защиту преступного режима.