Oh Doctor Doctor, Ryan/Brendan

Sep 30, 2012 21:00

Oh Doctor Doctor softlyforgotten, R, 17269 words
It was just that on his first day in the oncology department of the hospital six years ago, he'd been introduced to Dr Ryan Ross, Head Surgeon, and fallen stupidly and irrevocably in love with him, and that, apparently, was that.

Misunderstandings are awesome! Or, well, they can be really entertaining in fics. This is just dudes in love, but it's cute and their stupid and they're also doctors. Which works out surprisingly awesome. It's just really fun with a touch or two of heart ache to keep you grounded.

He hadn't always been so used to and happy in a routine, but working in a hospital kind of forced him into it, and he didn't mind so much. He was busy all day, and it was easier to get things done if he left slacking off to his free days. At the hospital, his day was divided carefully into patients, paperwork, seeking Jon and Spencer out for five minute chats, and watching Ryan Ross. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the last two often had to be combined.

"So," Jon said, kicking his legs against the desk lightly. "Any particularly reason why we're eating lunch in the outpatients?"

"I like the atmosphere," Brendon said. Across the room, Ryan had an expression of poorly concealed disgust as he beckoned a mother and her retching toddler into Exam Room One.

bandslash: brendon/ryan, bandslash: [p!atd]

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