I need to get out! Everyone's like, acting crazy, and getting mad at me for nothing, and getting hurt and I can't--All the screaming, and I can't think, and there are too many people and it's all totally scary and I need to get out of here!
[...Yeah, he's not doing so well at the moment. Being Poland, he'll be fine in a day, but right now, he's having a little bit of a breakdown.]
I'm like, not gonna hurt anyone! It's not like I've never used one of these before! And like, we can't just stay trapped in here--the screaming, it's--I'm so not gonna just sit around and do nothing!
[Cohen totally hasn't slept since the event began; he's not sure if he's here or there, he's been splicing to make up for the stress, and he looks and sounds pretty freaking wired. Not helping: screams and panic and the walls closing in are oh so reminiscent of Rapture's civil war, and this is a guy who's a little confused under the best of circumstances.]
Don't stop now! It's been so long since I saw such fighting spirit in a drowning man!
Comments 26
[Starts tugging at the veil, trying to tear through it, to no avail.]
[...Yeah, he's not doing so well at the moment. Being Poland, he'll be fine in a day, but right now, he's having a little bit of a breakdown.]
that doesn't seem very safe.
you might hurt somebody. And, even if it's accurate... it's a weapon.
Don't stop now! It's been so long since I saw such fighting spirit in a drowning man!
[Flings what appears to be a photocopier at the veil. The photocopier shatters.]
Then let's let the water in together!
[and Cohen disintegrates, all at once, into a bloody red mist that quickly vanishes.]
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