Star Trek: TOS "Charlie X"

May 28, 2009 21:21

This episode. I lack words really. Because omg.

Things I have learned from Charlie X

1. Kirk totally waxes his chest hair.
2. Kirk totally thinks manners are Important.
3. The maintenance people wear onesies.
4. Kirk thinks ass slapping is totally okay as long as it's between two guys.
5. Kirk fails at The Talk.
6. Uhura and Spock totally write musicals together in their off hours.
7. Yeoman Rand has her own trading cards.
8. Spock sucks at babysitting.
9. Kirk epically failed his sexual harassment training course.
10. Enterprise gym uniforms have been known to cause blindness. And Kirk thinks Dramatic Falling is the key to a good fight.
11. Charlie X is totally Xmen movieverse Dark Phoenix. He disappears people but good.
12. Kirk and McCoy like to rock random uniform shirts. Deep v-neck wraps are not okay, Kirk!
13. McCoy and Spock like to hit buttons together.
14. Sometimes aliens like to impersonate The Great and Powerful Oz. So don't look behind the curtain, okay?
15. They call Spock MR. EARS.

And stop by smittywing's post wherein she actually gives a review. :)

star.trek, st:tos, reviews,

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