Star Trek: TOS "The Man Trap"

May 27, 2009 23:01

In short, I saw Star Trek XI and I am crazy in love with it. Crazy in Love. (Kirk/McCoy FTW)

Which has led to smittywing and I deciding to watch The Original Series. (Available at hulu!)

So. The Things I Have Learned From The Man Trap.

1. Bones has terrible taste in women. (Unsurprisingly.)
2. Redshirts do not always wear red shirts.
3. Bones needs to stop thinking with his glands. No really.
4. Sulu likes to pet plants. (Not a euphemism!)
5. Sulu and Yeoman Rand are totally Botany Buddies.
6. The Enterprise transports Mexican Chili Peppers.
7. Kirk is quite possibly the biggest bitch in the galaxy.
8. Mysteries give Kirk a bellyache. Which might account for the bitchiness. But probably not.
9. Salt is yummy. Salt from people is yummier.
10. Uhura totally wants to jump Spock and make him emote.
11. Uhura also actually does have mad language skillz yay.
12. Bones totally should not leave his sleeping pills lying around.
13. Sometimes girls get to wear the pants uniform*
14. Spock seriously doesn't mind bitchslapping people.
15. "Buffalo" is totally Jim Kirk's new safe word.

*There was a random girl in one of the hallways, wearing the pants uniform. I had no idea! I am pleased.

And for an actual, you know, review go check out what smittywing thought about The Man Trap.

star.trek, st:tos, reviews,

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