Waiting in Vain, The Wall

Jan 29, 2010 18:21

Jealousy; it's one emotion I avoid as much as possible.  I still haven't read Othello and now I'm old enough that no one can force me!  But I did read this story and sequel and so am offering them as my Jealousy rec.  Enjoy.

Claim:  The Sentinel: general series
Prompt:  Jealousy
Title:   Waiting in Vain and The Wall (sequel)
Author:  Myrna
Rating:  NC-17
Length: 112K and 136K
Brief summary:  Daniel Graves, Seattle’s FBI Assistant Director, approaches Simon to get Jim’s help for a sting.  It creates the usual FBI/CPD animosity.  Then AD Graves gives Jim a new reason to be pissed off - he asks Blair out on a date.  Up until this point, Jim hadn’t wanted to pursue a relationship with Blair, even though they are both aware of the other's bisexuality.  But now he’s jealous and finds all sorts of reasons for why Graves is wrong for Blair.

But Jim isn’t the only one who’s bit by the green-eyed monster and things start to swirl out of control in this tense story and sequel.

Link:   Waiting in Vain   and    The Wall

My Rec50 Master Table

the sentinel: general series, prompt: jealousy

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