My Grey's Anatomy Recs Table Claim: Grey's Anatomy, General Series
Prompt: 12. Humor.
Title: "The Fifty-Point Scrabble Bonus"
fox1013Rating: NC-17
Length: long
Brief summary: The fic is board games, stripping, sex and it's wonderful. Funny and a great character piece for Izzie and Cristina.
At first it was because Denny might want to play, but then she discovered that some nights she was on call, she could rope someone into a quick game. None of the other interns would play with her; some were holding lasting grudges against anyone who got the room in Meredith's house, some thought that all of Bailey's interns were self-centered and self-involved and freakishly incestuous, and most of the psych residents were still pissed about the pregnant man-stealing. There was usually someone around, though, who was willing to play.
The Fifty-Point Scrabble Bonus *
Claim: Grey's Anatomy, General Series
Prompt: 26. Death.
Title: "Beautiful Disaster"
kashmir1Rating: PG-13
Length: medium
Brief summary: It's a great Alex & Izzie fic about the aftermath of losing someone and what happens to the one who has to pick up the pieces. It's a little sad, but with a little hope at the end.
Beautiful Disaster