My Torchwood Table Claim: Torchwood, General Series
Title: "Sun in the Sky"
giddygeekCharacters: Jack, Ianto, Lisa
Prompt: 21. Epiphany.
Rating: R
Length: long
Brief summary: If you've been looking for an explanation of how we came from the events of 'Cyberwoman' to what happened at the end of 'They Keep Killing...', I think this fic is your answer. Ianto suddenly realizing that the best thing he can do in memory of Lisa, is to let her go.
"I told you to go home hours ago," Jack had said, and Ianto had stupidly replied, "I couldn't leave." Jack misinterpreted as he would, and Ianto soon found himself back against the wall, Jack's mouth hot on his, Jack hot on him. That restless energy of Jack's had focused, and Ianto didn't fight it. He found almost to his surprise that he welcomed it, welcomed it all; the touch of warm skin with no metal, Jack's grinning mouth and the hands that guided him into the dark, warm hideaway where Jack stripped him naked and fucked him open.
After, he went back to Lisa, who said, "I hurt, Ianto," and not a word about how long he'd been gone, or the state in which he returned; a rebuke far more effective than tears or a slap could ever have been.
Link to the story:
Sun in the Sky