Table here Claim: Doctor Who, general series
Prompt: 36 - Family
Title: Theft
Author: agent compassion
Rating: G
Length: medium
Brief summary: This may be my favorite First Doctor story. The language is gorgeous and it beautifully mixes angst with hope. It covers the Doctor's relationships with his wife, his daughter, and his granddaughter, Susan.
Theft Claim: Doctor Who, general series
Prompt: 13 - Established Relationship
Title: End of Devils
Author: Sheila Adamson
Rating: G
Length: medium
Brief summary: This sweet story is one of very few to center around Ben and Polly (companions of both the First and Second Doctors).They've returned to "ordinary" life and are married now, have a family, and are on holiday in a village. Polly, though, can't help thinking about their time with the Doctor and how it's affected her perception of events. For instance, the village vicar seems rather odd.
End of Devils