The 62nd challenge is going to have (/drumroll, anybody?) 3 categories! ♥
Category 1: Character Tribute
To participate in this week’s first category, you must submit an icon that features Aoba Kouyou in one respect or another. As long as it shows him/her in some way, it’s allowed. This is a very free category, obviously - just make an icon-tribute to him/her!
Category 2: Theme
To participate in this week’s second category, you must create an icon that fits under the theme of humour. You can interpret this any way you like - as long as it fits that theme in some way, it’s in!
Category 3: Provided Image
To participate in this week’s third category, you must submit an icon that uses only the image provided. You may use other textures or effects of any kind you like, so long as the only image involved is the one under the cut. You may also edit, flip, recolour, or erase parts of the picture to your heart’s content; as long as it’s still somewhat identifiable in the icon, anything goes. ^^
This week’s image is:
• You may enter up to 3 icons this week. You may enter more than one icon per category.
• Your icon(s) must fit LJ’s standards (100x100 or less, 40kb or less).
• When submitting your icon(s), please include both the image and a link to it, like so: You have until Friday, 12th November at 9:00 PST to submit, so get cracking! ♥ All comments are screened.
Icons submitted so far: 8