Oct 10, 2008 17:10

WHO: The Varia (the company)
WHAT: Xanxus' Birthday
WHERE: The Varia (the building)
WHEN: Xanxus' Birthday 10/10 Friday
WARNING(s): IT'S THE VARIA. QUICK GET IN THE CAR. Who knows what'll happen?

It's Xanxus' Birthday, yeah! )

squalo, miura haru, lissuria, *log: on-going, belphegor, *log: thread, xanxus, marmon

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Comments 37

charming_twirl October 10 2008, 12:01:37 UTC
"Sorry, Haru's a bit of late, Bel-san!" she said as she rushed to the room, with a basket in her right hand.


caffeineshots October 10 2008, 22:46:02 UTC
Belphegor was fiddling with the cd player, hooking it up to the speakers set up all over the floor when Haru came up. "Huh. You're not late," Bel said. Everyone wasn't late when the boss isn't around yet. "Did you bring the lasagna? And the Bacardi you talked about?"


charming_twirl October 11 2008, 10:22:31 UTC
"Yes, Haru brought the lasagna and Bacardi!" While showing the basket contains.

... )


caffeineshots October 11 2008, 16:34:47 UTC
Bel took a quick glimpse at the basket before shooing Haru off. "Go find the food magazine staff," he told her. "You can go fix the buffet table with them." He fiddled with the cd player a little more before wandering off elsewhere.


lethaldiva October 10 2008, 16:35:55 UTC
Lissuria's been busy setting up the pineapples on the tables when Haru arrived. He's been at this the whole day, getting his staff hoist those 6-feet palm trees inside the conference hall, putting some tikis and totem poles at every corner, and finally covering the whole floor with white sand flown in from the beach of Waikiki. Really, this is lush. But this is a fabulous party for the only editor Lissuria would ever respect in this industry.

The diva is only left with touching up on the details: the pineapples, the coconuts, the leis that should be passed around once the guests start coming in. Lissuria hopes Xanxus would love it. He did prepare this out of love for the boss~ <3 And Lissuria doesn't mind spending for those that he loves.


grammarcracker October 10 2008, 23:04:16 UTC
Squalo pushed the door open with one leather boot, carting two cloth sacks in each hand. He dropped them onto the nearest table, ignoring the garish decor, and pulled several bottles of wine and assorted liquor out of them. He contemplated smashing one of them over Lussuria's head, but decided against it.
Instead, he opted for the more traditional method and walked up to him, grabbed him by the front of the shirt, and yelled at him.


caffeineshots October 10 2008, 23:57:47 UTC
After talking over some things with Haru, Bel decided to take a peek at what Lissuria was doing. He thought the sand was overdoing it a little, though. Then again, so was everything Lissuria did. And were those real palm trees? Bel kicked one on his way in, because he could. And snickered when one of the coconuts fell on top of someone's head. He made his way to Lissuria, poking at things, rearranging them, knocking them over and maybe pocketing a thing or two.

"Is the sand really nece--" His question was cut short when Squalo appeared and started yelling at Lissuria.


lethaldiva October 11 2008, 02:29:46 UTC
"That is not your fucking problem, bitch. And don't you dare wrinkle my shirt!" Lissuria quipped as he slapped Squalo's hand away from his shirt. How dare he touch the diva's shirt!?! Lissuria takes a good look at Squalo's get-up, wondering why he's wearing drab in the middle of this luau. Boots on sand!? Ah-! FASHION CRIME!!"Didn't you get the memo that this party will be Hawaiian-themed? Oh wait-- You've been busy raping people's offices for your missing manuscripts! I'm quite sure you missed this memo as well." Lissuria raised his brow, cocking his head to a side as he said this in a tone that beckons a cat fight. Bring it on, the diva thought, flipping his bangs in arrogance ( ... )


varia_boss October 10 2008, 21:40:29 UTC
[OOC: I'll give the boys and ladies some time to get things ready before tossing Xanxus in, yes?]


caffeineshots October 10 2008, 22:56:25 UTC
ooc; OK boss ♥


writes4money October 11 2008, 18:30:39 UTC
Marmon walked towards the conference hall holding a gray gift bag (nothing shiny nor colourful in case boss found that a good excuse to kill him). He pushed open the door and stepped inside. After taking a good look around the transformed hall and noting the sand, palm trees and totems, Marmon turned around and walked back out the door.

He was not hanging around waiting for the massacre.


charming_twirl October 12 2008, 04:17:42 UTC
Haru saw Marmon at the door before he turned around and cancel-out of entering the room. She's a bit confuse, so she decided to chased him.

"Wait, Marmon-san!"


writes4money October 12 2008, 04:24:31 UTC
As Marmon was about to close the door behind him, he heard Haru call out his name. Against his better judgment, he stopped and waited for Haru to reach him. Marmon heaved a sigh, his brain was telling him to run as quickly as he could but he ignored it.

"What do you want?" he asked when Haru stood before him. "I'm trying to preserve my life here."


charming_twirl October 12 2008, 04:57:39 UTC
Preserve his life, Haru a bit baffled with those words, there no danger in Varia, and it's a party, she doubt there anything life-threatening about that.

"Marmon-san alredy here, why doesn't Marmon-san come-in and stay for a bit!" She took Marmon's arm and drag him into the room. Usually Haru isn't this bold ok she might, but seems a glass of margarita already made her a bit tipsy.

"Bel-san, Marmon-san is here!"


varia_boss October 12 2008, 23:49:06 UTC
Xanxus rubbed his face wearily, leaning against the elevator wall. Somehow he just knew today he should have remained at home. He could feel it in his guts. Then again, maybe it was just his espresso taking its own sweet time in kicking in. These days it took more than just caffeine to be fully awake and functional.

Ah, well. He would have Bel make him a mug of Irish coffee later, after tracking down Squalo and do unspeakably painful things to him for failing to turn in the manuscripts. Or maybe before. The elevator doors chimed and slid open, and he walked out. Right into what seemed to be the set of a second-rate hawaiian soap-opera. Complete with bitchfight.

A lesser man would have doubted for a moment of his sanity, or of the content of his cup at breakfast at the very least. Xanxus knew better.

"What the hell is going on here?"


caffeineshots October 13 2008, 02:53:02 UTC
Belphegor was supposed to take Marmon to the gift table, but Lissuria and Squalo seemed to catch everyone's attention. At least, until the elevator doors dinged open and the Boss came out.

"Boss~" Bel greeted cheerfully, even raising his free arm and waving at him. "Happy birthday~!" Bel then slipped away from Marmon, grabbed a glass, filled it with ice, snitched a bottle of whiskey, trotted over to Xanxus and gave him whiskey on the rocks. "Lissuria decorated the who~le floor just for you," he said, grinning.


writes4money October 13 2008, 05:49:07 UTC
As soon as Bel let go of him and was making his way over to the boss, Marmon headed towards the gift table. Dropping his gift onto the table, Marmon decided that he might as well stay here and away from the line of fire for the time being. Noticing something shiny amongst the tissue paper in another bag, he reached his hand in and pulled out a watch. A really nice watch. Making sure no one was watching (they were all fussing over the boss anyway), he slipped it into his pocket and stuffed the now empty gift bag under the table, hidden from view behind the table cloth. It won't be missed.


varia_boss October 13 2008, 15:02:25 UTC
Xanxus frowned. He hadn't forgotten it was his birthday, not really, but with everything that was going on at the company he had pushed the notion in the 'unimportant things' corner of his mind.

"We're so fucking busy with work I'm going through a month worth of backlog and you want to waste time with a damn party? Shit, it's going to take half a day just to clean up all this sand!" He knew he should have remained in his bed this morning. Fuck it. The office was a mess, and the food was already here. And there was alcohol.

"I'm giving you until lunch break before you have to start cleaning up." He took the glass Belphegor was holding out, and kicked his feet out from under him, watching him fall with vague satisfaction. The little shit was getting too cocky. Then he looked at Squalo and Lissura. "You know the rules. Either you take the bitchfigts outside, or I do," he said, pointing with his thumb at the window.


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