LOG: Thread [Byakuran & Leo][CLOSED]

Jan 18, 2009 00:36

WHO: Byakuran & Leo
WHAT: Leo stays overtime to finish his work, and Byakuran comes to bother him entertain himself. Badtouching may or may not happen.
WHERE: Millefiore HQ
WHEN: Uhhh Friday night, or something
RATING: PG-13, maybe. Might actually be lower or higher, depending.
WARNING(s): Subtext, lots of subtext. And Byakuran.

The pile of paperwork on his desk still wasn't shrinking. )

byakuran, leonardo lippi, *log: incomplete, *log: on-going, *log: thread, *log

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Comments 6

srslyevilbzns January 18 2009, 07:36:15 UTC
It was something of a hobby Byakuran had. He didn't get one-on-one interaction with many members of the company on a regular basis-- at least not without rumors of favoritism and worse starting to go about --but one position alone in the Millefiore he had free range over how often he could see and that was his secretary. It had become something of a game, testing his new secretaries to see how far they could bend before they snapped beneath the pressure of too many mundane tasks, too much stress from the abundance of responsibilities-- nothing that he couldn't fix if they messed up, of course; he was nothing if he wasn't responsible --that Byakuran forced onto them ( ... )


dishonesta January 18 2009, 07:56:49 UTC
Leo had always made a point to himself to keep calm during all situations. His patience, he was proud to say, was well-trained; and his mask was always so easily slipped on without much effort on his part. It were times like this that tested him, though. He was already tired, and more than a little frustrated. Seeing Byakuran was only adding salt to the wound, especially when the man took that mocking tone to his voice ( ... )


srslyevilbzns January 18 2009, 08:09:48 UTC
Byakuran's laugh had light, charming sort of touch to it, always casual, never too involved in anything. He settled easily into the chair across from Leo's, the other's desk the only barrier between them as he yawned slightly, more game than actual sleepiness inspiring that.

"Oh, nothing in particular. To be honest, it was just so comfortable in my office, I simply drifted off," he lied, an innocent sort of childishness to his face. "I haven't really done anything since lunch."

Another few straws on a camel's back and he laid them out so neatly as he watched Leo through a cheerily slitted gaze, "Leo-kun knows how it is sometimes? Just wanting to nap after a long meal."


dishonesta January 18 2009, 08:20:28 UTC
There was a mental crack to Leo's disposition.

"... Is that so?" He laughed softly, straining not to let annoyance show on his face. "And, yes, I know what you mean."

No, no I don't.

Anger bubbled inside him, but not so much that he would lose his composure. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but feel some sort of hatred towards the man, towards the nonchalant, condescending attitude, towards the cryptic smile he was always wearing. Here Leo was, working overtime every other day, taking care of virtually everything that was handed in for Byakuran, and yet his damned boss told him that he spent the afternoon napping.

Of course, Byakuran could be doing this just to mock him. He wouldn't put it past the man.

"I hope you had a pleasant nap," he smiled again, though it was getting a bit painful.


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