LOG: [Thread] [Millefiore Christmas Gala] [OPEN]

Dec 22, 2008 21:17

WHO: Everyone (that was invited?)
WHAT: Millefiore Christmas Gala
WHERE: Paphiodilim party
WHEN: December 23rd, 7 PM on
WARNING(s): Millefiore?


*log: thread, *log, *all characters

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Cocktails srsbznsmods December 23 2008, 02:26:38 UTC


lethaldiva December 24 2008, 20:29:22 UTC
You would have been Lissuria's answer to Xanxus but because he had with him his boyfriend, he couldn't just let things slip unfabulously out of his mouth. Not now. When everyone is watching what the bosses were doing.

"Well, you looked a little glum for a Christmas party, Xan-chan. I thought I'd bring you some Christmas cheer!" Lissuria chirped at his boss before even remembering that he was holding on to his date's arm.

"Oh! How impolite of me! I haven't introduced you to my boyfriend have I?" With a gentle tug he placed his boyfriend right smack in front of Xanxus. "You've seen him in the cover of La Diva last month. Ryohei Sasagawa!"


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extremeonwheels December 24 2008, 20:43:11 UTC
Ryohei, being the gentleman that he was (trying to be), stuck out his hand for a handshake. Unfortunately, he seemed to have forgotten the fact that if his hand wasn't taken, he should put it down. Instead, he was beaming at Xanxus.

"Christmas cheer is always great, Xan-chan!" he laughed, automatically slipping into the nickname Lissuria always called his boss by.


lethaldiva December 25 2008, 03:09:07 UTC
"That's right, hani!" Lissuria added after Ryohei, completely ignoring the fact that his boyfriend just gave himself a death wish by calling his boss Xan-chan. Then again, the lady hasn't died yet. Xanxus, for a really snarky bastard, was actually a really decent gentleman. Just foul mouthed sometimes (okay, that was an understatement). This is why Lissuria loved working with him.

"You know Xan-chan, this is the perfect time for you to make connections and find possible sponsors for the company. You should be going around and mingling with everyone with a nice big smile." Lissuria showed Xanxus what a big smile looked like.


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extremeonwheels December 25 2008, 06:39:15 UTC
Ryohei only blinked, nonplussed. He decided that Xanxus was one of those people, the kind who was grumpy and frowning all the time but wasn't actually all that scary once you see him get manhandled around by Lissuria. Or something. Something like that.

In general, Ryohei had bad life-preservation instincts. It probably came with getting knocked on the head ever so often.

Also, once a nickname stuck, a nickname stuck.

"Ok, Xan-chan," he nodded agreeably. Ryohei turned to Lissuria, still bright, and added, "Li, should I get you something to drink? What'd'you want?"


lethaldiva December 25 2008, 07:12:41 UTC
You was what the diva would have answered had this been their bedroom and had Xanxus not stood there beside them. "Get me a champagne dahling, that'll keep me chipper~" A second later he added "Get Xan-chan a whiskey too, dahling!"

He turned to Xanxus with a soft smile "You're planning to drown yourself for a while with whiskey, ne?" A wink and a giggle. Oh yes, he lived to cheer up his grumpy boss.


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extremeonwheels December 25 2008, 17:35:17 UTC
Ryohei made for the bar and quickly came back with the requested drinks. He had two flutes balanced in one hand and a glass of Xanxus' whiskey.

"Haha, I think I saw Spanner there. And a bunch of other people!" he said with a grin as he handed the respective drinks off. Somehow, Xanxus seemed grumpier?


lethaldiva December 25 2008, 17:45:54 UTC
"Who is Spanner?" Lissuria retorted, wondering why would somebody have such an unfabulous name. It must be one of those new age publishers who thinks they're so cool just because they have one name. The lady flipped his bangs, annoyed and insulted with how these new kids are riding on what he and every other hot and fabulous single-named people worked hard to built.

"One thing I hate about these events is you also get to see all these upstart snotty publishers who never know the value of hard work. If it weren't for Uni-san, I wouldn't bother going here. Really!" He took a sip as he ranted, wondering if Xanxus' mood was getting to him.

"I wouldn't wonder why you hate this, Xan-chan. But hey, a free drink is a free drink. Never say no to good wine and whiskey~. Oooh! Caviar!" The diva picks up a canape from a passing waiter, dumping it straight to his mouth.


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extremeonwheels December 25 2008, 18:03:54 UTC
"Spanner is a friend," he put in at the question, although he was aware that it hadn't needed an answer.

Huh. He hadn't been gone that long, had he? The bitching was starting out early. Ryohei was used to it, of course, and he didn't really mind (or care), so he just ducked under the conversation and listened in, sipping his own champagne as he eyed the other people in the room curiously. Unlike them, the events that he went to were for sports and held much different characters than the ones here. Sports people were different from publishing people, and now that he could see this set...

Eventually, he took to studying Xanxus' profile (Xanxus was, he concluded, like a very angry and wounded dog), and a minute later, Lissuria's in the grand room. One way or another, his boyfriend did fit into this kind of world. It suited him.


cueitup December 24 2008, 17:10:05 UTC
Gamma made his way through the crowds of guests with their fancy threads and pointless conversations, feeling more and more out of place by the minute in spite of the fact that he was impeccably dressed - a setting like that never failed to make him feel awkward, and it was very hard to ignore the building need for a cigarette or maybe a hell lot of hard drinks. The blond man eventually found a good corner to settle into, where he could take refuge until something came up or until he was forced to entertain people.

Uni Giglionero was his one reason for being in the cocktail party. The blond man waited patiently for her arrival, and even though he knew that he should've known better, he hoped that she wouldn't be with Byakuran that time around.


onlyluminous December 24 2008, 18:37:37 UTC
Uni leaned on the railing of one of the higher levels of Paphiopedilum Tower, watching the stream of guests arriving in the lobby: dark, rich suits and gowns glittering like jewels in the light. She had been at the Millefiore offices since sunrise, doing everything from making sure the last few touches on the decorations were set up properly to going over the guest lists and instructing Mora and Kuroki on who, specifically, to watch for ( ... )


cueitup December 25 2008, 08:19:40 UTC
It was amazing, how his whole being seemed to know the moment she entered any room with him in it, even before his mind registered the actual fact - he had been well-settled in his hiding place, and had happened to turn just in time to see Uni making her way down to join the crowd. She looked, in one word, stunning that evening, even more beautiful than she had been in the masquerade.

Gamma tried, with little success, to beat his heart into submission, and spared himself a few moments to clear his head and school himself before stepping forward. She was alone - he had to take advantage of a rare opportunity like this. The blond man approached her, and offered her a small bow and a smile the moment he was close enough.

"Good evening, my lady."


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