I've spent about the past week positively scouring both the TV and the internet for the highest-quality version of the FF13 trailer I possibly could because it is that damn pretty, and the trailer is that damn grainy, and by GOD I must cap it!
So I did.
The music in this trailer is freakin' hot. And, since I know the question will be asked eventually (WITH GOOD GODDAMN REASON!), you can download the trailer at
Gametrailers.com. Have fun, kids.
Final Fantasy XIII: E3 Trailer ("Ladies and Gentlemen, Final Fantasy Thirteen.")
173 caps @478x277 res., 16.1 mb
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Yousendit, expires 5/20
(Please don't forget to comment if you download and credit if you use these caps!)
I thought the trailer was completely hot. As
Melly, my saucy bastard of a sister, so delicately put it: "I think [she] just lost her virginity to a video game trailer;" which more or less rings true in this case - and by that I mean it was JUST THAT FRIGGIN' HOT.
On to the technicalities: By the looks of it, we're going to have another action-based game on our hands. Now, I have heard next to nothing about how Final Fantasy XII (12) fared, but I have heard people referencing it in terms of the gameplay we can see in this particularly fine piece of beef. And by beef, I mean video game. Bovine references aside, the only hope I have right now is that the newest addition to SquEnix's money-pig will counter any fears that I am currently harboring that we won't be dealing with a game that references Final Fantasy X-2 in any way, shape, or form (in particular, that damn jumping system. And music).
I hate Yuna, and I hate Final Fantasy X-2. The bitch didn't even make it to greatest hits - how is that even remotely worth the time any gamer worth his weight in salt invests in the game? I rest my case, your honor!
The last thought I will voice on the matter of new Final Fantasys: Somebody needs to rip that music. Freakin' now. That would make my weekend.
Also: After FF15, I quit, man. They need to retire this franchise pretty soon - but by the looks of it, I don't think SquEnix is going to relinquish its hold on the RPG market for a while yet. After all, other than Final Fantasys, just what is Squenix good at? Bah! Enough negativity! Now, I wonder if this game makes the $600 we need to drop on the PS3 system actually worth it... We shall see. Maybe. Egh.
Speaking of which, hopefully I'm not the only member of the audience who's of the opinion that if Sony doesn't start pricing its gaming systems in the range that their target audience - teenagers and pre-teens, for the most part - can afford, they'll go under pretty damn soon; which is especially true given the fact that the XBOX 360's been on the market for a good year now and the price is going down, and the Nintendo Wii will supposedly be "The cheapest gaming system on the market." Thoughts, anyone?