Another week comes and goes, bringing with it a new episode of a certain anime which never fails to garner its usual "WTF" reaction from myself and The Melz0rz. If you said, "What, they watched another episode of Black Cat again?" you'd be correct! This anime takes itself into stranger and stranger territories, and if I had the stomach to sit through an episode twice I'd be downloading subs. Alas, I have not the patience, woe. Time for a timeline of this episode's reactions, narrated by myself and the Melzorz!
"Train sure is workin' that scarf."
"The only reason Eden has that damn halo is because they want to cover up the fact that they were too lazy to draw in a background."
"But wouldn't that also be called a cheap attempt at surrealism?"
"Touche, motherfarker."
"Those have to be the shittiest jet fighters I've ever seen."
There's a certain part of this episode that pulls a clip out of its ass of Sepheria fighting with Train and Sheldon. Now, I have no farking idea where they managed to get it or why they even used it, but it's hot. The animation quality is, like, 50 thousand times better than this episode in general, consistantly, which makes me wonder if they might try to pull out an OVA or something somewhere along the road. I'll upload those caps in the teaser section, since they're, uh, hot. Speaking of hot, Sepheria x Sheldon is hot, but it makes no cannonical sense. It's just hot.
Black Cat episode 22: Cat's Paradise
473 caps @640x480 res., 25.9 mb
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Yousendit, expires 4/3
Assembled Pans
In the end, the best part of this episode was that 15 second flashback to a fight that never happened. Uh... Huh. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy, comment if ya gank (since for one, I like to know if people download these, and two it makes me feel loved, yay), and credits would be awesome if you used these for anything.
In other news, I bought some Plaster of Paris, decided I didn't know how to use it, and put it away. First adventure in Pinky making: FAILED. I will not give up!