FINALLY! Granted, this particular episode aired last week (after a three week long lapse in programing, sob) so these caps are a little late, but I only got around to capping it today. Oops! However, 'twas a fine episode indeed! Sven actually scared me at some points, so kudos to the producers, big time. For all you Creed fangirls out there, he spends most of the episode naked in a bath tub.
Also, they're really pushing the Rins/Jenos thing! At one point, he yells out that he loves her - "Rins-chan, aishiteru-yo!" kind of way - as he's falling from a five-odd story building. It was awesome. (She is so going to beat the snot out of him. Jenos? Die? Pshaw. He's not dead. They wouldn't kill Sakurai. Ever.)
Black Cat episode 12: Fighting Cat
512 caps @640x480 res., 16.6 mb (don't ask!)
Download the zip here - Yousendit, expires 1/25
Download the zip here - Rapidshare
First, I did not assemble all the pans for this episode - the means to do so are included with the zip, so assemble at will. The reason I've left out some of the pans is... pure laziness, actually. Mix that in with an absolutely absurd amount of pans that no one in their right minds would actually dream of utilizing. Scenery pans, the like.
And, is it just me, or did anyone else get
massive Utena vibes from this episode?
Bah. Anyway! Credit if you use, comment if you take, the usual. Please to be enjoying, yes? x3