Cardcaptor Sakura episode 28 screencaps

Dec 19, 2005 08:40

Did I mention I had a lot to post today?


No pans for this episode, though. D= Well, unless you call that fake-card pan in LITK a pan, but I'm sure no one wants to see that. I mean, c'mon. Anyway. Never really remembered how much I disliked this episode... In terms of art, anyway. Sakura looks like a bloody retarded ape for half the episode. (Ref.) Moving on!

Cardcaptor Sakura episode 28: Sakura and the enchanted cards
+ Leave it to Kero! episode 28
(471 caps @640x480 res., 29.93 mb)

[ Download the zip here ] *Megaupload
[ Download the zip here ] *Yousendit, expires 12/26

That is to say, not that there aren't any good shots. The animators just took it way too seriously, so the episode turned out ugly in filler shots. Anyway, comment if you download, credit if you use!
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