Cardcaptor Sakura episode 11 screencaps

Dec 03, 2005 08:29

ETA 12/19: Added Megaupload link. Enjoy!

Wow, I completely forgot to post these last night! D= Ohnoes! Gah. Anyway! Only the YSI link for now, because Megaupload was being a sardonic biznah yesterday. Oh, irony, how thou mockest mine patience! Additionally, there'll be no Photobucket album either, since I came to the realization last night that I'd probably have to end up making around 50+ accounts, if I'm lucky.


Hmm... Either I shell out cash for a bought account, or I could rotate episodes. Like when I'm done capping an episode, delete the previous's album, then upload the new stuff! That... might work, I think. Feedback?

Cardcaptor Sakura episode 11: Sakura and Tomoyo and a Mansion
+ Kero-chan CHECK! episode 11
(376 caps @640x480 res, 36 mb)

[ Download the zip here ] *Megaupload

Assembled Pans

And that's it for the weekend. XD Well, probably not. EXPECT SOME BLACK CAT ON SUNDAY OR SOMETHING LAWLZ! Comments are appreciated, credit is freakin' AWESOME! XD Additionally, see the new icon? Yeah, that's from this episode. Lots of Nadeshiko love in this episode. XD Unfortunately, no x-posting until either I get to Dad's house (leaving now!), or until tomorrow. ACK.

EDIT:: I lied! X-posted to the usual as of mid-evening yesterday.
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