fic: Taunted

Nov 10, 2010 08:06

Title: Taunted
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 634
Pairings or Characters: Audrey Hansen, Sylar
Warnings: Typical vaguely-described crime scene
Summary: Untold Tales and S3. The FBI thought Sylar had disappeared. Now he's back, and Audrey Hansen is put back on the case.

Audrey Hansen put her hands on her hips. “I thought we were done with this guy.” Not that she’d ever really believed Sylar would disappear, even after Parkman had told her he’d been taken care of. She had always felt him out there, waiting.


She spared a thought for the forensics guy on the floor. “Nobody.” Her tone implied the forensics grunt wasn’t in her pay grade. And let’s face it - he wasn’t. Nobody in the FBI had come as close as Audrey had to catching Sylar. Not that anyone agreed with her on that, not after she’d raided the paper factory and shot that homeless guy.

On some level, Audrey was glad Sylar was back. It was wrong of her to want a dangerous psychopath like Sylar on the loose, but the thought of capturing him - killing him - made her heart pound. It was the first time she’d felt alive since Prescott had taken her off the case.

She put her hands on her hips as she considered the scene. The victim’s head was sliced open, drops of blood seeping into paint and a puddle making a permanent mark on the wooden floorboards. She could call Parkman, but he’d stopped taking her calls. He’d wanted to concentrate on his new job and taking care of little Molly Walker. And as glad as Audrey was that Molly was being looked after, she could really use someone like Parkman right now.

She needed a lead. Would Sylar taunt her again? Last time he’d done it, she’d shot the homeless guy and had almost been taken off the case. The only reason she’d been put back on the task force was because of her familiarity with the case.

She’d be more careful this time. She wouldn’t play his games anymore. If anything, he’d play hers.

“Hey. Hey! Agent Hansen?”

She looked down at the forensics guy, his head bent over the puddle of blood on the floor, his black baseball cap pulled low. “Yeah?” Had he found something?

“You’re standing in the blood.”

“Oh.” She carefully lifted each foot and stepped back, grimacing at the blood that had already stained her shoes.

She was vaguely aware he’d said something and looked at him expectantly. It was hard talking to him when he kept his head down so she didn’t see his mouth.

“I said, are you looking forward to catching this guy?”

“Damn straight I am.” Primatech Paper. It was her only lead so long as Parkman refused to talk to her. And Peter Petrelli, maybe. He was protected by his politician brother, but she could always try to get through to him anyway. If she was lucky, he might want to help more than Parkman.

She waved off the guy’s “Good luck with that” and headed to her car, her mind spinning with long-shot plans to get rid of Sylar once and for all.

It wasn’t until her keys were in the ignition that she paused. Since when did forensics guys were unmarked black baseball caps?

In a flash, she was out of the car and running back to the scene. He hadn’t, had he? He wouldn’t dare. Not sticking around the site of his first kill in months. He wouldn’t risk it.

She used the door frame to stop herself, her gun drawn. “Where is he?” she demanded, glaring at the forensics team. They stared from her gun to her face. “The man I was talking to! Where is he?”

One of the forensics guys shrugged. “We thought he was with you.”

Audrey spun and stomped around the scene, trying to find a sign of him even though she knew he was too good for that. He had mocked her, and she hadn’t even noticed. Damn it, she was going to kill him.


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