Rebecca remembers things from 2001, but she forgets to eat dinner.

Dec 04, 2010 20:50

We went to bed on Thanksgiving Day with the air conditioner on, and woke up on Black Friday to freezing-cold, wet weather. The annoying thing isn't so much that it's up and down, but that it always seems to be down on Friday evening. The crazies were out in hoardes that night, and on Black Saturday.

Eva, Adam, Ben, and I went to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 on Saturday night. (Yes, Ben came with us. I'm as shocked as you are.) I was also a little shocked with how much dark stuff they got away with putting in that movie. It was good, but between the God-awful Prince's Tale and Epilogue, I'm really not sure if I'm going to see Part 2 next summer. Anyway, it got me reminiscing about where I was when each previous Harry Potter movie was released.
  • Sorcerer's Stone. Released 16 November 2001. This came out on the last Friday before Thanksgiving vacation of my junior year of high school. In French class that day, Mlle Gryppe let us play charades, and when Lauren started to touch her hair as a clue, I immediately guessed, "Harry Potter." Mom and Adam went to see it that day while I was in school. Dad took Adam and me to see it sometime during the next week, and we talked to him nonstop throughout it, explaining what was happening. He said he enjoyed it, but I imagine he must have been bored out of his skull. The first two movies weren't the best.
  • Chamber of Secrets. Released 15 November 2002. This was came out during the Thanksgiving vacation of my senior year. Aunt Carolyn was in town for the holiday, and she took Adam, Juliana, Olivia, and me all to see it. We talked about the symbolism of different characters' names, and Aunt Carolyn said Lucius Malfoy was "a bad daddy."
  • Prisoner of Azkaban. Released 4 June 2004. This came out the summer after my freshman year of college. I went to see it with Daniel, my friend from high school, and we ran into another friend, Amanda, who was working at the theater concession stand. In July, Mom, Adam, and I went to Houston to visit Dad, and the three of them saw it, but I saw Two Brothers.
  • Goblet of Fire. Released 18 November 2005. This came out during my junior year of college. My French professor, JXB, mentioned in class one day that the students and teachers from the Beauxbatons were terrible French stereotypes. I saw it when I was home for Thanksgiving, but I honestly can't remember who went with me. I do remember that I wore the Harry Potter shirt I bought for the release of the book Half-Blood Prince, which came out the summer before, and that Eva told me she was "so embarrassed" for the Beauxbatons girls when they did that little dance entering the Great Hall, which I found hilarious.
  • Order of the Phoenix. Released 11 July 2007. This movie and the seventh (and final) book came out within two weeks of each other during the summer after I graduated college and before I went to France. Sara, Adam, and I saw the movie on July 21, the day the book was released. I wore my Harry Potter shirt and baseball cap, which I'd won a few weeks before, during Harry Potter trivia day at the Baton Rouge library. After seeing the movie, Adam and I attended the midnight release at Books-A-Million, and I read travel books on France.
  • Half-Blood Prince. Released 15 July 2009. I took Eva to see this a week or two after it was released, and we made a day of it. First we went to a local water park, then ate lunch at McDonald's, then went to see the movie. We still hadn't completely dried off from the water park by the time we saw it, so we were cold and shivering in a dark theater for about two hours, but other than that, the day couldn't have been better. My entry on it is here. (Edit: I just realized something neat: Eva and I saw HBP on July 21, two years to the day after Sara, Adam, and I saw OotP, in the same theater. Cool, huh?)
  • Update! The Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Released 15 July 2011. Adam, Eva, and I went to the same water park, and saw the movie afterwards. My entry on it is here.
A recap of where I was when each Harry Potter book was released can be found here.

P.S. I just spent about the last two hours transferring a ton of old photos off my two poor abused SD cards and onto nice big flash drives, where I completely reorganized and labeled them. SCORE!

harry potter, high school days, movies, movies in theater, college days

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