Rebecca's recap of a pretty rough January...

Feb 01, 2023 11:41

I'm so glad that January is finally over with. It was a tough month around here. I don't believe in Friday the 13th superstitions, but as she was leaving for work that morning, Sara hit the garage door with her truck and dented it and smashed off her side-view mirror. Then later that same day, Mayim suddenly got very sick very fast. She quit eating and drinking completely, passed very small, dark amounts of urine wherever she was standing (rather than using her litterbox like usual), and kept trying to go off by herself in closets and stuff, like Sassafras did just before she died. It was scary.

So Saturday the 14th was a stressful mess of trying to find a place that could see her on short notice. Our regular vet couldn't work us in, so we wound up taking Mayim to the emergency vet clinic, where we spent hours waiting in my car reading old Baby-Sitters Club books to each other while Mayim lay so still that she seemed dead. They kept her overnight there, and after a few more visits with the regular vet, she's currently on blood pressure medicine and an appetite stimulant, which I never in my life thought that fat cat would need. She's now eating and drinking on her own again, thank goodness, and acting more like herself, although her days of being the fat cat might actually be over.

I kept up with my two 2023 new year's resolutions for all of January!!! One was to do at least one hit on MTurk every day, and I stuck to it with 47 hits total for January, even though that platform isn't a huge money-maker right now. (Sometimes I can earn a lot more cash on there than at other times, and I can never quite tell.) My other goal was to walk at least three miles most days, and I hit that goal for 5-6 days a week in January. For most weeks, I managed to do it every day but Saturday, because Saturdays are my laze-around-and-do-nothing days, and that's how they're going to stay.

Athena and the kids sent us the nicest Christmas card this year. She literally whited-out the word Christmas and wrote Hanukkah (and spelled it right!), and Abram wrote a big I love you on the inside. She sent the sweetest little hand-croceheted snowflake ornament with it, too. It arrived late, but it was so special. It's up on our refrigerator, and it might never come down! I also got cards this year from Mom, Aunt Tina, Aunt Carla, Lyn & Rick, Judy, and I bought one for myself from the animal shelter. I made a post on Facebook in late November about how I loathe getting gifts but love getting cards. Speaking of cards, I went shopping to a different consignment store than usual right after Christmas and found some Christmas cards on sale! No two of them match, and some are a little too religious for my taste, but the price was right. I usually never send any out any cards because they're so overpriced, and I'm already looking forward to mailing these next year! Now I just need to not lose them in the eleven months between then and now!

Here's hoping February is just a little easier month!!!

christmas, mayim, new year, hardship

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