Brief Recap of Thanksgiving 2020

Nov 30, 2020 19:00

Well, Sara and I have survived hosting our first major holiday at this address. Like everything else in 2020, Thanksgiving didn’t look like it usually does. My hometown is still recovering from hurricane damage, so instead of us traveling there like usual, Mom, Uncle John, and Aunt Connie all came here. I still have a lot of anxiety over this house, and I was kinda paranoid about having people over, so I did a deep clean the weekend before. I even got down on my hands and knees and dusted our baseboards! Mom used her Covid-19 paranoia to guilt us into letting her stay with us, rather than in a hotel, and we all regretted it. (Mom probably more so than anybody.)

But the actual day of Thanksgiving was nice, anyway. We ate, talked, played in the backyard, went for a walk around the block, and finished our current puzzle of old movie posters. Mom didn’t ask about the temperature at my job, Uncle John didn’t lead a prayer before the meal, and Aunt Connie didn’t scream in my face about the election results, which I count as a win! On Black Friday, we went to the park with Abram and Athena and met his little friends, and then Sara made Athena watch Twilight with her (which was more fucking tiring than Thanksgiving). On the drive home, she almost missed our exit because she was so busy trying to play “Super Trouper” from my USB drive - hahaha!!!

It’s that time of year again when the amount of levels in our backyard is unholy and unbelievable, but I’ve gotten better at mulching them with the lawnmower, which is 1,000 times better than raking! And I know our leaves aren’t as bad as many people on our block.


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