Just counting down the days to the Oscars and spring...

Feb 13, 2016 17:11

I'm probably too old to still be making New Year's resolutions, and usually I don't, but I did make one for 2016. It was to stop using my phone in bed - they've done a ton of studies on how this is Very Bad for you - and so far, I've mostly stuck to it! I usually check my phone one last time before getting into bed, but once I'm actually in bed, I don't touch it. I've gotten back into the habit of reading actual paper books before bed, which I haven't done so much in recent years. (When's the time?) I wish I could say that I'm reading something intelligent, but I'm just slowly working my way through any old Baby-Sitters Club books of Sara's that I haven't read already. I just finished Mary Anne and the Library Mystery, and now I'm on Stacey's Big Crush. I think reading before bed is helping me sleep better, as is the cold weather. That is one good thing that I'll grant winter: it makes it easier to sleep. For a lot of the year, my room is too hot to sleep under my comforter.

We've had a few blessedly mild days so far this February, but it's still too cold for my taste. Muse Watson has been having some problems with his steering system (I think), which is stressing me out. I've gotten under his hood a few times and learned more than I ever knew about cars, which still isn't very much. Why does he always seem to have problems in cold weather? Ugh! I had to get his registration renewed in January, and I almost went for the three-year option, but then I took a good look at that cranky, noisy old car and faced reality. Sigh...

Mardi Gras was last Tuesday. Unlike the weather, it's one of those things that I don't miss about moving away from Louisiana. My managers are also Louisiana transplants, and they brought a King Cake to work this week... and of course, I got the slice with the darn baby in it! Ugh! I've never really liked King Cakes, but I'm also not one to shirk my responsibilities, so I found one at the grocery store and bought it in the next day. Boss Man said I was a good sport. The day after that was D-----'s birthday, and my managers always buy cupcakes on somebody's birthday, so it made for a nice sugary work week.

Sara has been obsessed with watching Oscar movies lately, and I've been obsessed with crocheting and plarning (even more than usual, haha). I'm hoping to have a booth in the Jewish Food Festival again this year, and I just discovered that it's being held at the beginning of April, rather than the end like usual, so I've lost three weeks of crochet time that I'd been counting on! Oy. I've taken to crocheting during my lunch break at work (which isn't very long) and I just bought myself a new, bigger crochet hook this weekend! I want to try crocheting with the leftover plastic film from the shrinkwrap machine at work. We certainly go through enough of it.

Sara bought the most cheerful yellow tulips for our kitchen window-box. I'm having all sorts of fantasies about planting flowers and growing cucumbers once the warm weather gets here... we'll see if I can actually follow through on any of them successfully! Come on, spring!

muse watson woes, mardi gras, books, crocheting, sleeping

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