Please, Don't Let the Cat Out - you gotta be kidding me!

Jul 27, 2013 21:29

Not sure about some of my colleagues Realtors but this note on the listing is totally stressing me out, right to the point where I am thinking I should not even bother showing the home.

Don't take me wrong, I love pets, I am a happy owner of a cat and a dog.
Also, just a few years ago I used to own an absolutely crazy angora cat, who used to hide around the corner and fly out the door with a speed of the lightning a soon as someone would come in. Since then I have a fear of inadequate cats.
Going with the client for the showing there are a lot of things to worry about but chasing mental pets down the street. Yes, I agree, most of the times this is just overfed, sleepy kitty, too heavy to even get up, but seriously, is there a way to just keep them away for an hour or so?
It is not such a big issue with me - all I have to worry about is my reputation. If the seller sets the rules - I am trying my best to follow. And I would imagine, the seller would be pretty upset if his beloved pet escapes. But also, try to keep in mind, that for some cultures and religions certain pets aren't a very desirable companion and your chances of selling a house where the pet is present are substantially going down, especially in certain areas.
So, as they say at the rail road stations - for your own safety and protection, please, stay back of the yellow line, or follow some simple rules to make sure your house sells as fast as possible and for the best possible price:

For the agent previews, showings and open houses:

1. Keep your pets out of the house, doesn't matter if they are the size of the mouse or a grizzly bear

2. If there is no way of removing the pet - please, crate them, for their own good, as noone will step on them or accidentally let them out. Usually you get a  call in advance for all the showings, so pick a time convenient for you to make sure your pet is not suffering in a crate for longer then needed

3. Pets' bowls, litter trays, leashes, beds, baskets, etc must go away for the time of showings;

4. Please, make sure there is no smell, as an owner you might be used to it, but for the possible home buyer cat's  or dog's or bird's smell might be quite overwhelming

5. Keep all pet's food in the airtight containers and away from sight.

Pretty simple, right? Happy showing and happy and quick house sale for you and your beloved furry friends!

pets, showing, home staging, open house, tips

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