Title: The Burning Wheel
Author: FlocksOfTurtles /
eryn_Pairing: none (Lucius/Narcissa implied)
Genre: general
Audience: [Almost Anyone]
Warnings: none, but discusses other religious beliefs.
Length: 885 words
Complete?: yes.
Beta-ed? : no.
Summary: "How do the Malfoys spend the holidays?"
The Burning Wheel )
Comments 5
I have to admit my knowledge of the holidays mentioned is barely existing, so I can't say much about that part of the story.
But I liked Narcissa's view on Hogwarts life and the mixing of purebloods with Muggle-borns, her disliking it not because of some feeling of superiority and racism but because of fear that it will spoil her son for what his duties are.
In the last paragraph, I was a bit confused about the timeline.
The start sounds like he told them about Hermione in a letter, as you mentioned the letter in the paragraph before it, but then the last sentence show that Draco's home.
Maybe it could work better if you say something like "When Draco came home for the holidays, he told them..."
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