Title: What Genma Wanted Ch9 Pt2
Fandom: Naruto
Characters:GenRai + Iruka; OC ANBU boys, again *sigh* but they have names now : Jun (captain), Ryo (youngest), Yoshinori (oldest) and Tadashi (kunai finger-picker)
Genre: From Crack is born Romance, Angst and some other stuff
Rating: Mostly R, veering into NC17 on occasion
Warnings: Language,
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Comments 14
Heehee...I am sooo happy, happy, joy, joy....I looove the men on the roof, knowing they are listening...I guess I am overly voyeristic. Tadashi is only going to win half that bet...Iruka isn't a teen anylonger
this chap is finally finished. i need to get genma in there somewhere - it's called 'what GENMA wanted' and he's missing for like half the fic it seems.
giggling about the overly voyeuristic comment. i seem to have a LOT of that going on in my fics. like, whoa, a LOT.
Haha...did I fool you? *shifty eyes*
Yes, I would enjoy hanging with the super ANBU nosey OP's...
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i feel a little sorry for iruka, and raido is starting to worry a bit about it, too. because he does have trust issues (that whole 'other people' thing), and he's not going to come out of this unscathed *cringes - sorry* glad you still love him. he's a tiny bit neurotic, but only because he's so incredibly clueless (and genma/raido are so incredibly overwhelming).
anbu are cracking me up, and now that this chap is over, i'm not so mad at them. you will love them soon enough. the 'prats' comment killed me - we had an entire discussion about the meaning of 'prat' vs 'prig' after i read it.
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and it was just the HAND.
And. And. And...
*incoherent flailing*
I'm vaguely high, because I think my presentation went well. :)
Next wednesday another presentation, hopefully that goes well too!
as for the smex, to be fair, raido's hands are rather large *wink wink* i think that's why he's cool with genma being 'first' and all. he and iruka will probably discuss this very thing sometime in the near future.
Large. Hands.
Now I'm thinking fisting.
Oh gods. My BRAIN.
No. No. Think fish. Think fish. Think of...
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