BBC Sherlock : Share With Those Who Need It

Apr 17, 2013 18:29

Title: Share With Those Who Need It
Rating: G
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mrs. Hudson
Word Count: 335
Warnings: Fandom humor
Summary: An unexpected delivery for 221b.
Notes: I don't like writing RPF, but this little Sherlock/Merlin cast crossover popped into my head while on break from Merlin Redux and begged to be written. Hopefully it hasn't been done before. It helps if you are familiar with both fandoms, but no real spoilers here. Unbeta'd and un-Britpicked.
Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock, and while one character here is based on a real person and his public persona, the story is completely made-up. It is not intended to be mistaken for fact, and no libel is intended.

“Sherlock! Are you having your milk delivered now? Six bottles a day is quite a lot, don’t you think?” Mrs. Hudson’s voice rang from downstairs.

John tore his eyes from the morning paper and threw a quizzical look at his flatmate, who then threw a quizzical look back at him. It lasted for two seconds, then Sherlock went back to his work in the kitchen, and John settled back into his armchair.

“Get the milk, John.”

“Can’t you get it yourself?”

“I’m in the middle of an experiment, and you don’t expect Mrs. Hudson to carry it all the way here, do you?”

Huffing, John rose from his chair and trudged downstairs. Mrs. Hudson followed him back up, a little envelope in her hands.

“This came along with the milk,” she said, giving it to Sherlock.  To Mr. Sherlock Holmes was scribbled in front. Sherlock ripped the envelope open and read the note aloud.

“Dear Mr. Holmes, your website is extremely fascinating, and one I visit often during work breaks. There was something about milk in one of the forum comments, and while I am a milk lover myself, lately I have been receiving more than I can consume. Thought I’d share it with someone who needed it. Hope you enjoy.”

“Who’s it from?” John asked, placing the bottles of milk on the counter.

Slipping the note back into the envelope, Sherlock tossed it onto the remaining empty space on the table and resumed his work. “A young actor, most probably in a family show with a fan base consisting largely of hormonal young women.”

“And you knew that how?”

Sherlock rolled his eyes and sighed. “Can you think of any other profile that would fit someone who gets milk by post? He must have mentioned it carelessly in an interview, not considering the possible consequences of his actions.”


A few hours later, The Science of Deduction is updated with a new forum post.

Mr. B. James,
Thank you very much for the milk.

merlin cast, fandom: sherlock

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