Safe from the typhoon

Nov 10, 2013 16:41

Most of you may have seen or read news about Super-Typhoon Haiyan, or Yolanda as my country named it. The media says it may be the strongest storm to make landfall in all of recorded history, surpassing Hurricane Sandy and Katrina. Here's a satellite image if you want to a better idea of how huge it was. It practically blotted out the whole ( Read more... )

stormy weather

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Comments 2

millionstar November 10 2013, 14:24:27 UTC
I was wondering if you were well, so glad you checked in. <3


jesterlady November 11 2013, 02:00:21 UTC
I'm so glad you're okay! Please keep us updated on the status and what can be done to help.

Definitely keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.



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