♪ 1st [ hymn ] xmissing melodyx ::action:: ♫

Sep 15, 2011 20:48

[ A familiar young woman with light brown hair and blue eyes was standing in the middle of what appeared to be the plane obviously quiet and somewhat confused about her location. This was not Auldrant. Her form shifted quietly as she moved slowly at first. Still anyone that knew her would probably be quite confused about her looking quite familiar ( Read more... )

tales of the abyss (d1) tear grants

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cruxified September 16 2011, 21:27:51 UTC
[There's someone else along this path, a quiet man resting against a lamp post as he cleans and polishes a sword. The look he gives Tear is vaguely curious, but he doesn't call out to her.]


yuliafonichymns September 17 2011, 06:42:24 UTC
[ Tear stops short when notices another man resting against a lamp post. He was cleaning his sword but he didn't appear suspicious. That didn't mean she wasn't cautious about passing him by. He glanced back with a blank emotionless stare as he gives her the curious look. She supposed if she continued blindly, she would find herself quite lost. It would make sense to ask him though. He might know more than she did. ]

Excuse me.

[ She politely addressed him. She didn't want to speak too much but at the same time she didn't need to ask questions unless they were mildly even interested in helping her or not. ] May I inquire about...this location?


Sorry about the slow, I'm moving atm. cruxified September 18 2011, 20:52:00 UTC

[He lifts his head, returning the soldier-like, stoic stare. You're not the only kuudere around here, Tear.]

This is the Astral Plane. [His voice isn't completely flat; it's dark and rich, though it lacks personable warmth.] It's a realm accessible by certain people from different worlds as part of an experiment. Notably, the management can be contacted through the strange shop you may have encountered. Meredith is the one most are familiar with.

You can travel freely between the Astral Plane and your world by thinking of them, but as long as the shop remains in your world, you are still subject to the experiments and oddities of this place.


No worries. I am plenty slow myself~! yuliafonichymns September 18 2011, 21:05:06 UTC
[ Tear could tell that he wasn't a normal human by any standards. His soldier-like stare and his posture was screaming that he was from some form of military or trained strictly to react the way he did. No she wasn't but she wasn't expecting to find someone with similar traits as her so soon. ]

The Astral Plane. [ She mused letting the words sink in. So this was not Auldrant at all just as she assumed. She didn't seem to be fazed by his tone much less his lack of warmth. She was not expecting anyone to be friendly, and she would keep her posture and be polite since she was the one asking for information int he first place. ]

So in short, this place draws people as part of an experiment. I will keep that in mind. Perhaps this Meredith person can provide more details. [ if he doesn't give her enough that is but this seemed plenty. ]


[ That would explain the small boy and his desk. That was out of place earlier but she she seemed to put that aside earlier. It made a lot of sense now that she was being told about it. ] A strange ( ... )


:3 thanks. cruxified September 18 2011, 21:46:59 UTC
A couple of the residents set up an information kiosk on the Plane. It gives a basic overview of what to expect if you're lucky enough to find it. Ask for the one authored by Irving Braxiatel.

[He's still faintly curious. He's never met someone so young who... looks so composed. Seriously.]

Newcomers are fairly common. I arrived not long ago myself.


You're welcome~ yuliafonichymns September 18 2011, 22:28:46 UTC
I'll make sure to look into detail for it later.

[ She replied with a brief look of understanding once more. She even took note of the name as he told her abut it. Tear had been through such strict training and events that it led to her being so composed and not freaking out about the situation. It was hard for her to show emotions at this point. ]

I see so it's a repeating cycle for newcomers to appear here. Once again I want to thank you for the information you've provided. It's quite useful and I'll keep note of them.


cruxified September 18 2011, 23:40:23 UTC
[He nods.] I am Kratos-- a mercenary.

[He'd rather not get involved, but it would be wise to form at least some connections on the Plane, if only so that he can use them for information. He has also been trained... among other things. Perhaps the rebellion has been beaten out of him at this point.]

You should know that there's a black hole on the Plane. Sometimes objects fly out of it unexpectedly, so mind your distance.


yuliafonichymns September 19 2011, 08:14:26 UTC
Tear Grants of the Oracle Knights Intelligence Division. Pleased to make your acquaintances Kratos.

[ She replied with a brief greeting of her own. The words rolled off rather easily considering she had repeated it so many times already. Tear would not brush off the chance of making another ally in this unfamiliar place. It was easier to make her stay somewhat serene if she made more companions and friends than enemies. She'd prefer not to have too many negative relationships. ]

A black hole?

[ Yes this Astral Plane was indeed very strange and unfamiliar with things that happen without the logic behind it. A black hole that sends flying objects out of it seems rather odd. ]

I will if I ever find myself walking into it.


cruxified September 23 2011, 05:18:32 UTC
Well met, Tear.

[He seems to read her thoughts. Perhaps because he's thought the same thing himself.]

There are many unusual things in this place. Not all of them are dangerous.


yuliafonichymns September 25 2011, 00:11:49 UTC
[ Another nod of her head. Yeah he seemed like someone that would be thinking of the same thing as her. Perhaps because of their similar mannerisms. ]

I suppose I'll have to find out if they're dangerous or not.


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