Nov 03, 2009 21:14
[Enter stage right - Jim, in a Starfleet uniform, looking a little puzzled and wary, but certainly curious. This is what she joined Starfleet for, after all. (Well, not the astral plane specifically, but certainly the exploring new ways of life/alternate planes of existence, should they present themselves.)]
That was… unexpected. [She seems to collect her thoughts for a moment.] Still, it’s certainly going to make either one hell of a report or- […You know, some very good grounds for discharge.
Regardless, she starts walking around, exploring her surroundings. To someone who spends a lot of time in actual space, the view is simultaneously pretty and… disconcerting, and she finds herself wandering into the first structure that presents itself - the bar, of course.]
I’m Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise. I came through a… [Well, let’s see, what sounds more likely than shop?] …portal and found myself here. Can anyone explain to me where I am? [And if she’s going to want to be armed? :| ]
star trek (d2) james kirk